Combine/sort delimited data


The Combine/sort comma/tab delimited data dialog box has 3 main sections:

Input files

Sort options

There are 3 sort fields available and contain the following options:

When Ascending or Descending has been selected you must define where the field is located:

When multiple sort fields are selected, the sort fields are processed in order. For example, if sort field 1 is the State and sort field 2 is the City. The output file would be in State order with the Cities within each State also in order.

Output file and duplicate options

Save as opens a dialog box that allows you to specify the file name to be produced. You can also specify the file name by entering the full path name in the Output file field.


Selecting the Run button will check for any entry errors and process the input files creating a new output file. When processing is finished your entries will remain intact. This allows for changes and the process easily repeated.


Selecting the Close button will clear all fields and return to the WCSortMerge dialog box.