Merge card image data


This option allows you to merge primary and secondary data files to create an output file containing the data from both input files.

The input data must have the following specifications:

The primary file card data will be merged with the secondary card data to create an output file containing all cards from both files. The key value can be in any card and position. Respondent numbers do not need to be in all cards and respondent data must be together in logical blocks of data. Records will be merged based on matching keys being in both files.

The Merge card image data based on matching keys dialog box has 4 sections:

Primary file

Browse lets you select the primary file to use. A dialog box is displayed to allow selection of the file. You can also specify the file name by entering the full path name into the Primary file field.

Key position:

Secondary file

Browse lets you select the secondary file to use. A dialog box is displayed to allow selection of the file. You can also specify the file name by entering the full path name into the Secondary file field. The primary and secondary files can be the same.

Key position:

Output file

Merge options

There are 3 options for merging files:

Fail merge if any cards missing

If the primary and secondary files create an output card set that is missing a card id, the sort will fail.

Fill missing cards with card id

If a needed card is missing, it is space filled and the missing card id is placed in the specified location.

Fill missing cards with card id and key value

If a needed card is missing, it is space filled and the missing card id and key values are placed in their specified locations

Merge filters and counters

There are 3 filters available to help control what is passed to the output file. Each filter has a counter that displays the number of records matching the filter. The counters are updated on each merge.

To select the filter, check the box associated with the filter:

Merge if primary and secondary keys match

Merges records in the primary file that have a matching key in the secondary file. This includes any duplicated keys in the primary file.

Allow duplicate primary keys

Merges records in the primary file that are duplicated. Check this filter to allow the output of duplicate keys in the primary file.

Output primary when secondary not found

This option is only available when Fill missing cards is selected. These records have key values that could not be found in the secondary file. The missing secondary cards will be filled as specified with card id and/or key value.

If you uncheck all filters, nothing will be written to the output file but all counters will be updated with statistics from the files processed.


Selecting the Run button will check for any entry errors and process the primary and secondary files creating a new output file. When processing is finished your entries will remain intact. This allows for changes and the process easily repeated.


Selecting the Close button will clear all fields and return to the WCSortMerge dialog box.