Advanced processing features


Run|Tables processing

Selecting Alt+Z on the Run Tables dialog, allows you to select some advanced processing and reporting features.


  1. ZScores(WC).txt tracks the Z-test (Percents) significance testing numbers.
  2. TScores(WC).txt tracks the T-test (Means) significance testing numbers.

If either files exists in that directory, you will not be prompted to overwrite the file, it will automatically overwrite the current file. Save these files with a different name or to a different directory if you do not want them automatically overwritten.

  1. PValue(WC).txt tracks the PValues for the T-Test (Means) and the Z-Test (Percents).

If this file exists in that directory, you will not be prompted to overwrite the file, it will automatically overwrite the current file. Save this file with a different name or to a different directory if you do not want the file automatically overwritten.


Run|Frequency/Marginal processing

Selecting Alt+Z on the Run Frequency or Run Marginal dialog, allows you to bypass syntax processing only.


Setup|Glossary Variables|Tests processing

Selecting Alt+Z on the Setup Glossary Variables dialog, allows you to bypass syntax processing when running Tests only.

Related topics:




Run|Sample Balancing: ASCII data

Run|Sample Balancing: Variable data

Run|Factor Analysis: ASCII data

Run|Factor Analysis: Variable data

Setup|Glossary Variables|TEST Statement