Data tab (Data grid)
cells of the Data tab contain
the data values of each variable for each record. The variables are the
columns and the records are the rows. The cell is the intersection of
the column and the record.
- The data values in cells on the Data tab can be edited based on
the type of data (format) specified for that variable.
- The type of data (Number
or String) for a variable
is specified in the Type field
on the Variables
- For numeric data (where Type
is Number), the format of
the data cell is controlled by the format specified in the Field
Format field on the Variables
- You can enter or modify data using
the Data tab.
- Data can be entered in any cell and
in any order.
- The actual data value in the highlighted
cell is displayed in the upper left corner above the data grid when
a cell is highlighted.
- Data values are not updated until
you select Enter or choose
another cell.
- Characters entered that are not allowed
by the variable type specified on the Variables tab
are not saved.
- For string data (where Type
is String), you cannot enter
data beyond the defined width (Field
Width) of the variable.
- You can use the Word
wrap option to wrap long data strings for easier viewing.
- The Spell
check option turns on spell checking for variables that are
String type only. This option will remain
selected for each WinCross session until it is deselected. A red squiggly
line indicates a potentially misspelled word in the cell. You must
click in the cell to show the cell contents at the top of the data
grid where only the potentially misspelled word will be underlined
with a red squiggly line. You can right-click on the word at the top
of the data grid to see options for correcting the misspelled word.
- Selecting the Value
labels check box allows you to toggle between displaying the
Value label or Code
Related topics:
Editing variable data
Variables tab (Data grid)