Tools|Quick Stats/Quick Sample Size/Quick Significance Test

WinCross Quick Tools offers a group of convenient tools ranging from a simple calculator to significance testing for percentages and means.

The Statistics and Frequency tab lets you enter or copy/paste data values for determining statistics such as Sum, Mean, Standard deviation etc. or a simple frequency of the values entered or pasted. The data values can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

The Significance Testing tab offers significance testing for Two Independent Samples, Two Categories in One Sample, Proportion vs. Theoretical and Two Matched Samples for Percentages and Averages (Means). Simply enter the appropriate values to get the z score, Significance level and Confidence level for the selected test.

The Sample Size Calculator tab provides the Sample Size Needed for a Given Confidence Interval or the Confidence Interval Resulting from a Given Sample Size. Just enter the appropriate values to determine either the Sample size needed or the Confidence interval.

Note: The Significance Testing and Sample Size Calculator tabs are not appropriate for weighted data values. You can reference the following article on our website for a more detailed explanation: Weighted Standard Error and its Impact on Significance Testing (WinCross vs. Quantum & SPSS).

The Calculator tab provides the convenience of quick calculations that might be helpful when using the other WinCross Quick Tools tabs without having to leave the Quick Tools menu.

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