Export Dataset
The Export Dataset option of Datasets lets you export a dataset outside of WinCross Executive.
Data file versus dataset: WinCross Executive makes a distinction between a "data file" and a "dataset". "Data file" refers to data in its conventional format: as a disk file with a file extension, such as *.sav. "Dataset" refers to that same data after it has been converted for use with WinCross Executive. Once variables are edited (or deleted) in WinCross Executive, the dataset differs from the data file. To revert to the original data file (variable structure), the Regenerate Dataset option on the My Drive menu can be used. To create a new data file from a modified dataset, this Export Dataset option can be used. |
The dataset is exported with any structure changes (variable name, label, code values or value labels) that were made using the Variables dialog of WinCross Executive.
- Select a dataset and choose the Export Dataset option of Dataset information.
- Select Download to download the dataset outside of WinCross Executive.
- You cannot export a file that is shared to you unless you were given Download/Export privileges by the Owner of this file.
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