WinCross Executive Help

Run Charts/Crosstabs/Reports

Run Chart/Crosstabs/Reports allows you to run the selected item.


  • You can run a chart/crosstab/report against one or more datasets but the components and crosstabs in the chart/crosstab/report must be linked to the primary dataset.
  • Choose Against the Associated Dataset from the Run dropdown menu if you want to use the Filter to associated dataset selection as the only dataset.
  • When choosing the Against the Associated Dataset option from the Run dropdown menu and there is a Filter to associated dataset selected, this dataset is considered the primary dataset.
  • Choose Against Multiple Datasets from the Run dropdown menu if you want to run a report against multiple datasets.
  • When choosing the Against Multiple Datasets option from the Run dropdown menu and there is a Filter to associated dataset selected, this dataset is considered the primary dataset.
  • The components and crosstabs referenced in the selected itemt must be linked to the primary dataset.


If the Auto generate Excel file check box is enabled on the item dialog, reports can be saved to Excel and automatically uploaded to a folder in My Drive or downloaded to a location of your choice.


Advanced/Simple filters (when applicable)

  • After applying an advanced or simple filter any saved results will have these filters applied.
  • The base filter is hard coded and cannot be changed by the user. This filter is also not visible on the report.
  • User Filters allows the viewer to add filters to the selected item(s) that can be changed on the fly.


Save Excel to My Drive

  • Save Excel to My Drive lets you choose the destination folder where the Excel report is saved.
  • You can save the Excel report file to your user folder, a folder/subfolder within your user folder or another user's folder/subfolder as long as you have Write permissions to that folder.
  • Folders that you have Write permissions to will be colorized as green and folders that you do not have Write permissions to will be colorized as red.
  • Any user shared to the destination folder will receive an email notification if the Send me an email whenever another user shares a file or folder to me flag is enabled on the My Account dialog from the Account dropdown menu.
  • Select the destination folder.
  • Modify the Report name if desired from the default report name assigned by WinCross Executive.
  • Enter a Description for the report if desired.
  • Choose Save.


Download Excel

  • You can either open the downloaded file using the Open with option or save the file using the Save File option.
  • The location of the saved Excel report depends on the browser you are using.


Download PDF

  • You can either open the downloaded file using the Open with option or save the file using the Save File option.
  • The location of the saved PDF report depends on the browser you are using.



Back to Edit Chart/Crosstabs/Reports

  • Takes you back to the edit item screen

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