Columns Menu (Edit Banner)

The Columns menu of Setup Banners|Edit Banner allows you to insert, delete, duplicate and move columns in the banner text area of your banner.

Insert Column at Left

Position the cursor in a column and select Insert Column at Left from the Columns dropdown menu to insert a column to the left of the current column.


Insert Column at Right

Position the cursor in a column and select Insert Column at Right from the Columns dropdown menu to insert a column to the right of the current column.


Delete Selected Columns

Position the cursor in a single column or highlight multiple columns and select Delete Selected Columns from the Columns dropdown menu to delete columns.


Duplicate Selected Columns

Position the cursor in a single column or highlight multiple columns and select Duplicate Selected Columns from the Columns dropdown menu to duplicate columns. See Cells Menu (Edit Banner) for more information about merging (spanned) cells.


When columns are inserted, deleted or duplicated and the result affects one or more comparison groups, you will receive a message indicating that if you continue with this action the affected comparison groups will be deleted and will need to be manually recreated.

When columns are inserted or duplicated and the resulting column width total exceeds the maximum Report width specified in File|Page Layout: Plain Text Reports, you will be asked whether you would like to adjust the widths and spacing of your banner columns to fit. If you select Yes, the width of your banner columns will be adjusted to fit within the Report width specified in File|Page Layout: Plain Text Reports and your banner text may need to be adjusted. If you select No, the width of your banner columns will not be adjusted but may result in the banner wrapping to a new page when printing your Plain Text Report.


Move Selected Columns Left

Position the cursor in a single column or highlight multiple columns and select Move Selected Columns Left from the Columns dropdown menu to move columns to the left.


Note: Columns cannot be moved to the left when the first column of the banner is among the selected columns, when one of the selected columns contains a merged cell that spans other cells or if moving to the left would cause the column(s) to cross over a column that contains merged cells. See Cells Menu (Edit Banner) for more information about merging (spanned) cells.


Move Selected Columns Right

Position the cursor in a single column or highlight multiple columns and select Move Selected Columns Right from the Columns dropdown menu to move columns to the right.


Note: Columns cannot be moved to the right when one of the selected columns contains a merged cell that spans other cells or if moving to the right would cause the column(s) to cross over a column that contains merged cells. See Cells Menu (Edit Banner) for more information about merging (spanned) cells.


Renumber Significance Indicators

Note: The starting indicator for renumbering using the Renumber Significance Indicator option must begin with a letter from A-Z followed optionally by a number from 1-99.


Auto-Size Selected Columns

Related topics:

Edit Banner
