Count feature


You can count the number of responses for a group of codes across a set of columns of data or variables. This lets you specify row logic based on the total number of responses.


IMPORTANT: The Count feature should not be used for rows that are part of a NET or for rows that are using the # (Pound Symbol). You cannot use the Count feature in banner column logic or in the Glossary.


Example 1: Count the total number of responses that are codes 2 through 9 across two contiguous variables


 Q2_1 C2 (2-9)


meaning, ‘Count the total responses that are codes 2 through 9 across variable Q2_1 and variable Q2_2.’



Example 2: Count the total number of responses that are codes 2 through 9 across three non-contiguous variables


 Q2_1 C1 (2-9) OR Q7_1 C1 (2-9) OR Q10_1 C1 (2-9)


meaning, ‘Count the total responses that are codes 2 through 9 from variable Q2_1 or variable Q7_1 or variable Q10_1.’



Example 3: Count the total number of responses that are codes 2 through 9 across two columns of data


 1/25 C2 (2-9)


meaning, ‘Count the total responses that are codes 2 through 9 across record 1, columns 25 and 26.’



Example 4: Using additional base with logic to count the number of code 1's across 10 variables


 GENDER (1) and Q2_1 C10 (1)


meaning, ‘If the variable GENDER is a code 1 then count the code 1 responses in variables Q2_1 through Q2_10. For example, if the response was 1 in variables Q2_1 and Q2_5, the result would be a value of 2.’



Example 5: Using additional base with logic to count the number of code 1's across 10 columns of data


 1/79 (1) and 2/10 C10 (1)


meaning, ‘If record 1, column 79 is a code 1 then count the code 1 responses in record 2, columns 10 - 19. For example, if the response was 1 in columns 11 and 15, the result would be a value of 2.’


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Variable name considerations