Edit Menu (Edit Banner)



Note: Undo and Redo are only enabled after every 10 key strokes. Undo and Redo operate on 10 keystrokes at a time.


Copy Banner Text to Clipboard

Use Copy Banner Text to Clipboard to copy the selected banner text to the Windows clipboard in simple text format.


Copy Columns to Clipboard

Use Copy Columns to Clipboard or F7 to copy selected banner columns (including logic and options) to the Windows clipboard for pasting into a new banner, another existing banner or to a new location in the same banner.


Paste Columns from Clipboard at Left

Use Paste Columns from Clipboard at Left or F8 to paste banner columns (including logic and options) from the Windows clipboard into a new banner, another existing banner or to a new location in the same banner to the left of the selected banner column.


Paste Columns from Clipboard at Right

Use Paste Columns from Clipboard at Right or F9 to paste banner columns (including logic and options) from the Windows clipboard into a new banner, another existing banner or to a new location in the same banner to the right of the selected banner column.

Related topics:

Edit Banner
