IMPORTANT: Microsoft® Office Excel must be installed to write to Excel. |
Once selecting one of the Excel Interweave banner options you will be prompted to turn on interweave banners, or revert to the default Excel option. Once the interweave banner has been selected the selected option will remain active until this option is changed, or the WinCross session is closed. Using the interweave feature you are able to efficiently "collate" your table output in Excel.
Worksheet Options tab:
Create each table as a seperate worskeet, all in one workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel file name field. The table of contents (TOC) created provides the user with a hyerlink to each banner x table combination. A separate worksheet is created for each banner and table combination. All worksheets are contained in the same workbook. The worksheet order follows the banner and table combination. Each worksheet is labeled by the table number (i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
Create similar tables as a seperate worksheet, all in one workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel file name field. A separate worksheet is created for each table. If multiple banners are selected for each specific table each banner will be shown on the single table sheet. The table of contents will hyperlink to each table and banner combination. All worksheets are contained in the same workbook.
Create similar tables as a seperate worksheet, one worksheet per workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel file name field. Each table has it's own workbook with each banner selected for that table. A variation of this file naming scheme is used. For tables run against the first banner, the resulting filename remains the same as above. When the tables are subsequently run against additional banners, however, the workbook filenames become Excel file name_2.xlsx, Excel file name_3.xlsx etc.
Create all tables and banners in one worksheet, one workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel file name field. When selecting multiple banners the workbook created will store all banners and table interwoven together. The created file will have one worksheet named after the first table ran. The table of contents will link to each of the assigned banner and table combination.
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