Job File Codes

Table Options

OQ = Show the Total row

OO = Show the Total answering row

OS = Show the Sigma row

OW = Show the No answer row

ON = Table type is normal

OR = Show Frequencies

OV = Show Vertical percents

OH = Show Horizontal percents

CP = Show Constant percents

OB = Hide blank rows

DW = Do not weight the table

OI = Indent levels on NET and SUB rows

O% = Show percent sign on percents

O$ = Show dollar sign on frequencies

OC = Show comma (,) - thousands separator

OT = Append next table - do not display the banner/new page between this table and the next table

ST = Table has a Subtitle

OF = Table has a Footnote

S = Subtitle row

F = Footnote row

F1 = Show one decimal place on frequencies

F2 = Show two decimal places on frequencies

F3 = Show three decimal places on frequencies


P0 = Show no decimal places on percents

P1 = Show one decimal place on percents

P2 = Show two decimal places on percents

P3 = Show three decimal places on percents


OD = Rank descending

OA = Rank ascending

R% = Rank by percents/means (Default: Rank by frequencies/means)

RA = Display ranking order beneath every cell on the table, in all columns

RT# = Rank according to a previous table (# = the index number of the previous table)


Filter Options

Rows to exclude from:

TX = Total answering

GX = Sigma

BR = Show Frequency on filter row

RR = Do not show Frequency on filter row

BV = Show Vertical percent on filter row

RV = Do not show Vertical percent on filter row

BH = Show Horizontal percent on filter row

RH = Do not show Horizontal percent on filter row

BC = Show Constant percent on filter row

RC = Do not show Constant percent on filter row

FU = Hide the filter row

F% = Show % sign on percents on filter rows

SF = If banner is weighted, show unweighted filter row in addition to weighted filter row

EF = If banner is weighted, show Effective sample size filter row used for statistics

VF = Show filter row as volumetric

SU = Show table filter title under table title instead of on filter row




Statistics Options

SB = Show Sample size for statistic base

SM = Show Mean

CL# = Show Mean confidence interval (lower) # = the Confidence level of 99, 98, 95, 90, 80, 70, 60 percent

CU# = Show Mean confidence interval (upper) # = the Confidence level of 99, 98, 95, 90, 80, 70, 60 percent

SV = Show Standard deviation

SR = Show Standard error

SD = Show Median

SG = Show Grouped median

Q1 = Show 1st Quartile

Q3 = Show 3rd Quartile

SO = Show Mode

SN = Show Minimum

SX = Show Maximum

ES = Show Effective sample size for statistic base

MM = Show Mean number of mentions

S$ = Show dollar sign ($) on statistics

CO = Use comma (,) to separate thousands on statistics

P00-P99 = Show Percentiles (0-99)

Scale Statistics

D1 = Display statistics as divided by 10

D2 = Display statistics as divided by 100

D3 = Display statistics as divided by 1000

D4 = Display statistics as divided by 10000


Statistic Decimal Places

S0 = (Central tendency) Show no decimal places on statistics (except Standard deviation and Standard error)

S1 = (Central tendency) Show one decimal place on statistics (except Standard deviation and Standard error)

S2 = (Central tendency) Show two decimal places on statistics (except Standard deviation and Standard error)

S3 = (Central tendency) Show three decimal places on statistics (except Standard deviation and Standard error)

V0 = (Variability) Show no decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

V1 = (Variability) Show one decimal place on Standard deviation and Standard error

V2 = (Variability) Show two decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

V3 = (Variability) Show three decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

Statistical Testing

SA = Perform Mean significance testing, if there are Means

SP = Perform Percent significance testing, if there are Percents

SC = Perform Chi-square significance testing


Job Title Options

~TN = Print table number on each table

~PN = Print page number on each table

~DA = Print date on each table

~TM = Print time on each table


Row Options

Select rows, if any, to exclude for statistics

SX = Exclude row from statistics

AF = Denotes a Frequency row

OD = Rank Descending (Frequency row only)

OA = Rank Ascending (Frequency row only)

OR = Show Frequency

DR = Do not show Frequency

OV = Show Vertical percent

DV = Do not show Vertical percent

OH = Show Horizontal percent

DH = Do not show Horizontal percent

OC = Show Constant percent

DC = Do not show Constant percent

Statistics options

SB = Show Sample size for statistic base

SM = Show Mean

CL# = Show Mean confidence interval (lower) # = the Confidence level of 99, 98, 95, 90, 80, 70, 60 percent

CU# = Show Mean confidence interval (upper) # = the Confidence level of 99, 98, 95, 90, 80, 70, 60 percent

SV = Show Standard deviation

SR = Show Standard error

SD = Show Median

Q1 = Show 1st Quartile

Q3 = Show 3rd Quartile

SO = Show Mode

SN = Show Minimum

MX = Show Maximum

ES = Show Effective sample size for statistic base

MM = Show Mean number of mentions

P00-P99 = Show Percentiles (0-99)

VO = Show row as Volumetric

SS = Show row

HR = Hide row

SK = Hide row if blank

NS = Do not Skip a line after this row

AR = Append next row to this row

NP = Display this row on a new page

ET = Embed the row title (margin release)

DW = If weighted, show this row unweighted

FX = Do not apply filter to this row

GX = Exclude row from Sigma filter row

TX = Exclude row from Total Answering filter row


Enhanced text options

BLD = Row text will be bold in enhanced reports

ITL = Row text will be italic in enhanced reports

UND = Row text will be underlined in enhanced reports

If ranking, force row to rank

RH = Rank High

RL = Rank Low

(Default: Neither, let rank determine)

If ranking, group rows together

SETn = Group together in n group (where n = a group number, e.g. SET1)

Underline character

==== = Equal sign

-------  = Dash

____ = Underscore

**** = Asterisk

++++ = Plus sign

Underline length

U = Length of last line

L = Length of longest line

R = Width of entire row


TP# = Percent (where # = Threshold limit)

TF# = Frequency (where # = Threshold limit)

TW =  Overall Threshold for the entire table

Percentage off

^# = (where # = Row number to percentage off of)

Frequency Decimal Places

F0 = Show no decimal places on frequencies

F1 = Show 1 decimal place on frequencies

F2 = Show 2 decimal places on frequencies

F3 = Show 3 decimal places on frequencies

Percent Decimal Places

P0 = Show no decimal places on percents

P1 = Show 1 decimal place on percents

P2 = Show 2 decimal places on percents

P3 = Show 3 decimal places on percents


Statistics Decimal Places

S0 = Show no decimal places on statistics

S1 = Show 1 decimal place on statistics

S2 = Show 2 decimal places on statistics

S3 = Show 3 decimal places on statistics


Variability Decimal Places

V0 = (Variability) Show no decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

V1 = (Variability) Show 1 decimal place on Standard deviation and Standard error

V2 = (Variability) Show 2 decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

V3 = (Variability) Show 3 decimal places on Standard deviation and Standard error

Banner Options

SW = Spacing and width values for each banner column

HP = Base column for horizontal percentaging of each banner column

CP = Constant value or Banner Column/Filter Row location for Constant percentaging (also known as "Corner" percentaging)

SL = Significance item label for each banner column

ST = Statistical testing options (Comparison Groups, Mean Test, Percent Test)

WT = Weighting information

OP = Other banner options

SB = Display Banner Title Above Table Title

SL = Display Banner Title Below Table Title

TL = Do not center Banner Title (Banner Title will be left-justified)

FL = Do not center Banner Filter Title (Banner Filter Title will be left-justified)

HD = Do not show Underline in Banner

W# = Width specified in pixels for total banner column text

BF = Banner Filter

PT = Number of banner columns, banner column for ranking


Banner Column Options

SB = Show statistic base

SM = Show mean

SV = Show standard deviation

SR = Show standard error

SD = Show median

HB = Hide column

OS = Show sigma

HF = Hide frequency

HV = Hide vertical percent

HH = Hide horizontal percent

HC = Hide constant percent

H% = Hide percent sign

PB = Insert page break before column

W# = Width (in pixels) of column for Enhanced Text Reports


Banner Column CALC Options

CHMN = Hide mean

CHSD = Hide standard deviation

CHSE = Hide standard error

CHMD = Hide median

CHMI = Hide minimum

CHMX = Hide maximum

CH1Q = Hide 1st quartile

CH3Q = Hide 3rd quartile

CHMO = Hide mode

CHSB = Hide statistic base

CHEF = Hide effective sample size

CHML = Hide mean confidence lower

CHMU = Hide mean confidence upper

CHMM = Hide mean mentions

CHMP = Hide percentiles


Banner Statistics Options

Mean Options

MW = WinCross selects T-Test

MI = Independent T-Tests

MC = Independent T-Tests – (based on test for equal variances

MM = Dependent Paired/Overlap T-Test (Multi)

MO = Dependent Paired/Overlap T-Test (LOC+/VAR+)

ML = Least-significant difference

MS = Student Newman Keuls

MB = Kramer-Tukey B

MT = Kramer-Tukey

MH = Scheffe

Percent Options

PW = WinCross selects Z-Test

PZ = Z-Test (Independent using unpooled proportions or Dependent Paired/Overlap (LOC+/VAR+)

PM = Dependent Paired/Overlap Z-Test (Multi)

PU = Z-Test (Independent using pooled proportions)

CH = Chi-Square

Confidence Level Options

Each option is only valid for those test types displayed to its right:

1 =  99% MI,MC,MM,MP,ML,MS,MB,MT,MH,








0 =  Show annotation under banner MI,MC,MM,MP,MW,PZ,PM,PU,PW

8 =  Harmonic Mean  ML,MS,MB,MT,MH

8 =  Exclude cells that are 0% from analysis  PZ,PU,PW

B =  Unequal variances  MI

D =  Dependent Paired/Overlap  PZ,PM,PU

9 =  Suppress significance footnote  MI,MC,MM, MP,ML,MS, MB,MT,MH,MW,PZ,PM,PU,PW