Tools|Program Options

In Tools|Program Options you can set several WinCross program-related options:

When a multi-core CPU is detected, use multiple processing threads for Run Tables

WinCross will use its multi-threaded processing capabilities when running tables on a multi-core CPU. All other WinCross operations will use a single core. If your machine is single-core and you select this option, WinCross can only process using a single thread.


Show a warning message before overwriting the job file

Will display a message warning you that your job file is about to be overwritten and gives you the opportunity to change your mind when you have selected File|Save job or the Save Job toolbar button.



Selecting Do not show this message again on the Warning dialog box will deselect this option on Tools|Program Options.


Show a warning message before writing the weighted standard error to a frequency report when a job file in not open

Will display a message warning you that the formula for calculating the weighted standard error is assumed to be Adjust standard error when weighting because no job file is open. You can specify this option in Setup|Job Settings|Statistics when the job file is open.


Show a warning message for overlength data

When opening a variable type data file, WinCross will display a warning message to let you know there are data values with more than 12 characters. For programming and computational purposes, WinCross uses only the leftmost 12 characters. When saving the data file, the original data and variable width will be retained.

Perform live spell checking in various edit boxes throughout WinCross

Underlines potential misspellings with a red squiggly line as an alert.


Automatically deauthorize WinCross when closing

Allows you to automatically deauthorize WinCross when you close the program. This option only applies to desktop versions of WinCross, not to network versions.

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