View|Job File


Choose View|Job File to view or edit the job file without using the WinCross interface. The job file is automatically updated with any changes.


You can color-code certain elements of your job file by selecting View|Job File Fonts and Colors. See Job file color-coding for more information about this feature.


You can select text/lines in the job file and then right-click in the View|Job File dialog box to:

Note: The Comment Lines option for lines in the Glossary section of the job file will add an asterisk "*" in column 2. The Glossary section of the job file uses an asterisk (*) as the comment character in the second or greater position of a line. The Uncomment Lines option for lines in the Glossary section of the job file will remove the asterisk "*" in column 2 or greater of a line when the line begins with an asterisk "*".


You can right-click in the View|Job File dialog box without making a selection to:

Ctrl+Right Arrow can be used to complete a partial variable name when entering glossary specifications or table/banner logic in the job file using View|Job File.


Choosing View|Job File will automatically launch the Job Notes dialog if a job notes file exists (jobname.nte). The Job Notes dialog will display behind the Job File dialog.


IMPORTANT: Use the View|Job File feature with care: the file layout and command information should not be altered.

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