Banner Title
Select Edit Banner
in Setup|Banners
to enter a descriptive title for your banner. For example, you might have
a description such as ‘Usage by Age’ for a banner with columns representing
age groups.
- Enter the title in the
title field (up to 480 characters on up to 4 lines). Text automatically
wraps, but you can specify where the text will wrap by entering
multiple lines in the Banner
title window. Pipe symbols (|) are inserted in the banner
title of the job file (View|Job File) automatically
when multiple lines are entered. Keep in mind that regardless of how
many characters you enter on each line, text will wrap based on the
Table title width
specified on the Table Presentation tab
of Setup|Job
Settings for Plain Text Reports or on the
Text Reports tab of Setup|Job
Settings for Enhanced
Text Reports. For example, if you enter 50 characters
on the first line and 50 characters on the second line and your table
title width is set at 40, the text will wrap at 40 characters from
the first line and then wrap again after the remaining 10 characters,
then wrap at 40 characters from the second line and again for the
remaining 10 characters of the second line, resulting in 4 lines of
row text. Alternatively, you can specify where words should break
by inserting a pipe symbol (|) at the point where you want the break
to occur.
- You can show the banner title above
or below the table title using the Layout Menu of the
Edit Banner dialog box. If
you choose either option, the banner title appears in the table of
contents and on the table in the position you indicate.
- To delete a banner title use the
Backspace key or Spacebar
or select Do Not Display Banner Title
from the Layout
dropdown menu to suppress the display of the Banner
- A Banner
title is optional.
Banner Column