Profile Settings|Enhanced Text Reports


Note: Report formatting changes will not be saved with your report file until you select File|Save|Save Report As or File|Save|Save Report from the File|Save menu. Your current report formatting changes will not be saved with your job until you select File|Save Job As or File|Save Job from the File|Save menu.

In Setup|Profile Settings, you can apply a variety of custom formatting options to many components of your job using the Enhanced Text Reports tab.


The Set Font and Set Font Color options can be used in two ways. When an individual report element is selected, the font and color selected will be applied only to the selected element. If a group title (such as Job title or Table title) is selected, the font and color will be applied to all members in the group.


Note 1: If different fonts and colors are selected for the members of a report element group (such as Line 1 through Line 4 of Job title), the font and color that is displayed when the group's title element is selected cannot reflect the various fonts and colors of the group's members. The Set Font and Set Color options can quickly set all group members to a selected font or color, but they can't be used to verify the current settings for all members in the group.


Note 2: Depending on the Table resizing options selected on the Page Layout tab, the font sizes selected may be changed in order to fit wide tables on the report page.

Overall table layout - The Overall table layout setting lets you adjust the justification or change the font, font style, size or color. You can apply formatting preferences to selected lines of your table report by expanding the Overall table layout field.

Table options

Background options - Background image and color can also be applied or cleared. File types of *.gif,  *.jpg or *.bmp are acceptable background image files for use with formatting your Enhanced Text Report.

Note: The Background Image options of Centered and Stretched do not work when writing tables to Excel from the Run Tables dialog when using the Use Enhanced Text Report fonts and colors for Excel output option on the Report Options tab.

Table of contents

Expand the Overall table layout field to display the Table of contents formatting options. You can adjust the Justification (Left, Center, Right) or change the font, font style (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic) size or color.

Table and page number

Expand the Overall table layout field to display the Table and page number formatting options. You can adjust the Justification (Left, Center, Right) or change the font, font style (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic) size or color.

Job logo 1

Job logo 2

Job title/Table title/Table subtitle

Banner headings/Column headings/Row text/Cell elements/Footnotes/Bottom title

Overall frequency layout

Overall frequency layout|Header/Footer/Banner/Value/Frequency/Sumx/Percent/ Cumulative percent

WinCross provides the ability to edit your formatted report by right-clicking on your mouse to display the edit functions available (i.e. Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, etc.).

Related topics:

Profile Settings

Setup|Job Settings|Enhanced Text Reports