WinCross Executive|Export Report to WinCross Executive


Publish Report to WinCross Executive gives the ability to run a report using WinCross Desktop that can be directly uploaded to  WinCross Executive.



1. Run the report that is to be published to WinCross Executive.


2. Go to WinCross Executive|Publish Report to WinCross Executive.


3. In addition to HTML, other formats can be included such as Excel, PDF, RTF, and PowerPoint. Select all desired formats to be included.


4. Select Okay and provide a file name which then creates the *.wcep file.


5. To publish your exported report to WinCross Executive, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the exported file to My Drive

  2. Select the exported file in My Drive to share your reports externally.


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WinCross Executive

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