Home > Line Tables and the LOC Instruction
Note: A banner must be defined using the LOC or VAR instruction when you are using the Dependent Paired/Overlap T-Test (LOC+/VAR+) and/or the Dependent Paired/Overlap Z-Test (LOC+/VAR+) statistical tests. |
You can use the LOC instruction to create Line tables. Line tables let you display output on one table that might normally be shown on multiple tables. For example, you might create a Line table for a two-product test, where each product is a banner and the rows represent the same series of questions that were asked for each product. Rather than having to run a set of tables for product A and another for product B, both products could be put in the banner; the common set of questions would need to run only once. Another example of a Line table is a series of rating scales, where the scale points are the rows and each of the ratings is a banner point.
The LOC instruction offers a fast and simple way to reference a starting location and then add a number that increments that location for the next row or banner.
The syntax of the LOC instruction is:
LOC + number
For example: LOC+5
means, ‘Add 5 to the starting point.’ The ‘starting point’ is the record/column location in the first row of the table or the first column of the banner (excluding any ‘Total’ row or column). If the location is in the banner, the row's logic is used as the starting point and each banner column uses the row logic plus the LOC number. If the location is in the row, the banner logic is used as the starting point and each row uses the banner logic plus the LOC number.
When a variable-type data file is opened in WinCross, if there are variables that exceed 12 characters in length, WinCross will use the leftmost 12 characters for programming and computational purposes. The Internal WinCross Location:Width information that displays on the Data File Information dialog (View|Data File Information) reflects this internal format and may be different from the actual variable width displayed on the Variables tab of the data grid. For purposes of WinCross programming, including LOC+, the Internal WinCross Location:Width of View|Data File Information should be used for determining variable location and width.
For example, let's say that variable Q2_1 begins in column 6 for a length of 10 and variable Q2_2 begins in column 16 for a length of 10. If Q2_1 is the starting point for your banner or row, to reference (Q2_2) as the next location, the logic for these banner columns or table rows would be LOC+0 for the starting location (Q2_1) and then LOC+10 for the next banner column or table row (Q2_2).
Locations do not have to be in sequential order. For example, a row or banner can have a LOC+3 instruction and the next row or banner can have a LOC+20 instruction.
For specifying a ‘Total’ row or column, locations can be separated by commas or hyphens to refer to non-contiguous column locations. Let's say our starting point is 1/20 (record 1, column 20). Then:
represents record 1, columns 21, 22, 23, 25 and 26.
For ASCII data, the location number can go across records for a respondent. For example, if the starting point is 1/45 (record 1, column 45) in a data file that has 80 columns per record, a LOC+80 instruction would refer to 2/45 (record 2, column 45).
You can use AND logic with the LOC instruction, to further define the 'Total' row or column.
Table 65 and Banner 3 of the EXAMPLE-ASCII.job file (installed with WinCross) are examples of the use of the LOC instruction in row and banner logic.
Related topics:
Line Table Examples for ASCII Data