Excel Report Options
IMPORTANT: Microsoft®
Office Excel must be installed to write to Excel. |
a destination for the Excel report:
Save to a Local Destination
Saves your Excel
Report to a local or network folder of your choice.
Excel output filename
- The
current file name is shown in the Excel output
filename field.
- The
default name is the job name with an .xls or .xlsx extension depending on which
version of Excel you select from the Output
file type dropdown list.
- You can modify the file name in
the Excel output filename
Excel options:
- You can save the selected Excel
Options to a file name of your choice by selecting the Save As option to the right of the
Saved Excel options: dropdown
- When an existing file of Excel
Options is selected from the dropdown list of Saved
Excel options, choose Save
to save any changes made to that set of Excel
- All saved Excel
Options files that reside in the same folder as the WinCross
job file (*.job) are available
to use from the dropdown list of Saved
Excel options.
- You can also browse to a different
folder where saved Excel
Options files reside, using the Browse
option to the right of the Saved
Excel options: dropdown list.
- Last
Run or Last Saved is the last set of Excel
Options processed or saved.
- Choose Default
Settings from the dropdown list of Saved
Excel options to restore the options selected to the WinCross
- Last
Run or Last Saved is automatically selected for each subsequent
visit to the Excel Options
dialog during the same WinCross session. This can be changed by selecting
Default Settings or a saved
set of Excel Options in the
dropdown list. You can also choose Browse
to select a saved set of Excel Options
from a different location than where the current WinCross job file
- Default
Settings is automatically selected the first time you visit
the Excel Options dialog for
a new WinCross session. This can be changed by selecting Last
Run or Last Saved or a saved set of Excel
Options in the dropdown list. You can also choose Browse
to select a saved set of Excel Options
from a different location than where the current WinCross job file
Options tab: (at
least one Data option
of Include frequencies,
Include vertical percents,
Include horizontal percents
or Include constant percents
must be selected):
Include frequencies (WinCross
frequencies to the Excel report.
Include vertical
percents (WinCross
vertical percents to the Excel report.
Include horizontal
percents (WinCross
horizontal percents to the Excel report.
Include constant
percents (WinCross
constant percents to the Excel report.
table of contents
- Creates a worksheet with a name
of Table of contents.
- This worksheet is usually the first
worksheet of the workbook depending on the Worksheet
option selected and contains the table of contents for each
- If there are multiple banners in
one workbook, there will be a table of contents worksheet for each
banner. The table of contents worksheet for the first banner will
have a name of TOC -(banner 1 name,
the table of contents worksheet for the second banner will have a
name of TOC - banner 2 name,
- The table entries in the table of
contents are hyperlinked to the individual tables whether in the same
worksheet or as separate worksheets per table.
- You can include the table of contents
in the same worksheet as the tables for the Worksheet
options. The
Include table of contents option must be enabled to use this
- Display
table title as hyperlink - Selected by default hyperlinks will
appear in the TOC. When unchecked the hyperlink will be removed.
Banner Options:
- Create
each table as a separate worksheet, one banner per workbook
- Create
each table as a separate worksheet, all in one workbook
- Create
all tables in one worksheet, one banner per workbook or
- Create
one banner per worksheet, all in one workbook or
- Create
all tables and banners in one worksheet, one workbook
- Create
each table as a separate worksheet, all in one workbook
the options to include the table of contents in one worksheet
for multiple banners in Data
Options in the Excel
Report Options dialog box.
- Create
all tables in one worksheet, one banner per workbook allows
the options to include the table of contents in the same worksheet
as the tables in Data
Options in the Excel
Report Options dialog box.
- Create
one banner per worksheet, all in one workbook allows
the options to include the table of contents in the same worksheet
as the tables and/or in one worksheet for multiple banners
in Data Options
in the Excel Report
Options dialog box.
Banner Options:
- Create
each table as a separate worksheet, all in one workbook
- Create
similar tables as a separate worksheet, all in one workbook
- Create
similar tables as a separate worksheet, one worksheet per workbook
- Create
all tables and bannes in one worksheet, one workbook
- When
switching between Non-interweave banner options and Interweave
banner options,a dialog box will pop up asking if you want
to auto check the "Interweave Banners" option on
the Run Dialog.
You can manually change this option in the Run
Tables Dialog box.
- Table of content base options
- Don't
include the base - this option is the default option and
will not show the base within the TOC.
- Write
the base below the table title - when selected the
base which comes from the table filter row will appear below the
table title.
- Write
the base to the right of the table title - when selected
the base which comes from the table filter row will appear to
the right of the table title.

filtering column
a hidden column to use for filtering what rows display on the Excel report.
Expand filtering
column - When selected the hidden filter column is no longer hidden
and the user can then easily filter based off specific row.
Options tab:
Show significance
significance indicators on the Excel report.
Position of significance
indicators, relative to the value
from the following options:
- Below
in the same cell - significance annotation is printed
below in the same cell as the vertical percent/mean.
- Below
in a separate cell - significance annotation is printed
in the cell/row below the vertical percent/mean (WinCross
- To
the right, in the same cell - significance annotation
is printed to the right in the same cell as the vertical percent/mean.
- To
the right, in a separate cell - significance annotation
is printed in the column to the right of the cell for the vertical
Put all text for
a row in a single cell
text is written as a continuous line, preventing text wrapping to multiple
Suppress all blank
lines (WinCross
- All blank lines are removed.
- Suppress
all blank lines and Suppress
blank lines after significance testing items are mutually exclusive.
You must deselect one option to select the other option.
Suppress blank lines
after significance testing items
- The blank line that normally prints
after a line with significance testing items will not print if this
option is selected.
- When Suppress
blank lines after significance testing items has been selected,
Below in a separate cell is
the only Position of significance
indicators option that can be selected. The other Position
of significance indicators options are not valid when Suppress blank lines after significance
testing items has been selected.
- Suppress
blank lines after significance testing items and Suppress
all blank lines are mutually exclusive. You must deselect one
option to select the other option.
blank lines after banners
blank line that normally displays/prints between the banner and the first
row of the table is suppressed.
Show % sign
on percents; set cell type to Percentage
the percent sign next to percents on all tables and formats the cell as
a Percentage.
Hide %
sign on percents; set cell type to Number
the percent sign next to percents on all tables and formats the cell as
a Number.
or hide % sign as specified in Table Options
the percent sign next to percents and formats the cell as a Percentage
or hides the percent sign next to percents and formats the cell as a Number based on the Show
percent sign (%) option of Setup|Tables|Table Options. This
option gives you the flexibility of formatting the tables as specified
in Table
Options where you may want to display the percent sign on some
tables and suppress the percent sign on other tables.
Concatenate banner
text that spans multiple columns
Banner text that would normally span more than
one cell in Excel is merged into one cell. See the example below.

Combine tables
- Combines tables together with the
table title written to the left of the table.
- There is only one instance of the
banner columns while you scroll through the combined tables.
- Write
table title to the left of the table is automatically selected
when you choose the Combine tables
- Choose the Freeze
banner option to freeze the banner columns of your table while
scrolling through the combined tables.
- Combine
tables is not a valid option when the Create
each table as a separate worksheet, one banner per workbook
or Create each table as a separate
worksheet, all in one workbook options are selected.
- When the Combine
tables option is selected, select Freeze
banner to freeze the banner columns of your table.
- This is especially useful when you
are scrolling through the combined tables in the worksheet as it keeps
those banner columns visible.
- There is only one instance of the
banner columns and these columns are frozen and stay visible while
you scroll through the combined tables.
page breaks
the WinCross page breaks in the Excel report.
Write table title
to the left of the table
- Allows you to write the table title
to the left of the table.
- Write
table title to the left of the table is required when the Combine tables option is selected
and is automatically selected when you choose Combine
Freeze row text
- Allows you to freeze the row text
of your tables.
- This allows you to scroll through
the banner columns in the worksheet while it keeps the row text visible.
Options tab:
Create each table as a separate worksheet,
one banner per workbook
default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can
create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel
file name field. A separate worksheet is created for each table.
All worksheets are contained in the same workbook. Each worksheet is labeled
by the table number (i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc.).
If you
are running the tables against multiple banners, a variation of this file
naming scheme is used. For tables run against the first banner, the resulting
filename remains the same as above. When the tables are subsequently run
against additional banners, however, the workbook filenames become Excel file name_2.xlsx, Excel file name_3.xlsx
example, say you have table 1 and banners 2 and 4 for job name EXAMPLE-ASCII.job,
and you want to create separate Excel worksheets. When the task is complete,
WinCross will have named the files EXAMPLE-ASCII.xlsx
(Excel file for banner 2) and EXAMPLE-ASCII_2.xlsx
(Excel file for banner 4).
Create each table as a separate
worksheet, all in one workbook
default file is named jobname.xlsx (or jobname.xls), however, you can
create a new file name by entering the file name in the Excel
file name field. A separate worksheet is created for each table.
All worksheets are contained in the same workbook. Each worksheet is labeled
by the table number (i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc.) regardless of the number
of banners run. The tables run by the first banner are written first with
each subsequent banner's tables being written next as separate worksheets
within the same workbook.
Create all tables in one worksheet,
one banner per workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx
however, you can create a new file name by entering the file name in the
Excel file
name field. The worksheet
is labeled by the banner number (i.e. Banner 1). If multiple banners are
being used, a workbook for each of the banners is created.
you are running the tables against multiple banners, a variation of this
file naming scheme is used. For tables run against the first banner, the
resulting filename remains the same as above. When the tables are subsequently
run against additional banners, however, the workbook filenames become
Excel file name_2.xlsx, Excel file name_3.xlsx
Create one banner per worksheet, all
in one workbook
The default file is named jobname.xlsx
jobname.xls), however, you can create a new file name by entering the
file name in the Excel file name field. Each worksheet is labeled
by the banner number (i.e. Banner 1, Banner 2 etc.). When the Include
table of contents option is selected with this option, there will
be separate worksheets for each table of contents. For example, if tables
for 3 separate banners (Banner 1,
Banner 2 and Banner
3) are being written to Excel, the first worksheet will be named
"Table of contents",
the second worksheet will be named "Banner
1", the third worksheet will be named "Table
of contents(2)", the fourth worksheet will be named "Banner 2", the fifth worksheet
will be named "Table of contents(3)"
and the last worksheet will be named "Banner
Excel Interweave banner options
Options tab:
Plain output (no
cell borders or colors)
Plain output produces an Excel report
with no background colors and
no cell borders. This is a quick and easy way to disable background colors
cell borders.
- The Plain output
option disables all Enhanced
output options including
background colors and cell borders.
- If
you would like to use cell borders but not background colors,
you can choose the Enhanced
output option and
either use the Use
Enhanced Text Report fonts and colors for Excel output option and choose the Clear All
option using Setup|Job
Settings|Enhanced Text Report
or the Use custom
colors option and
choose the Clear All option to clear all background
- If
you would like to use background colors but not cell borders,
you can choose the Enhanced
output option and
select the Disable
cell borders option
from the Excel Border
Options dialog.
Enhanced output (WinCross
Use Enhanced Text
Report fonts and colors for Excel output
the Job
Settings|Enhanced Text Reports settings when writing the report
to Excel.
Use custom colors (WinCross
the selection of Excel Border Options
for the Excel report. Cell borders
are not
applicable if your Output file type
is Excel 97-2003 (.xls).
Disable cell borders
this option to set all border styles (Table
border, Outside row border
and Inside row border) to None.
Choose border style for the following:
- Table
- Outside
row border
- Inside
row border
- Merged
column border
When the Table
border is set to a selection other than None, the Excel report begins in Column
"B". If you set the Table
border to None,
the Excel report begins in Column "A". |
Place Options tab:
- To override the number of decimal
places displayed on the WinCross report in Excel for frequencies,
select the Frequency check
- From the dropdown list, select the
number of decimals to display for frequencies on the Excel report.
- You can choose between 0
and 8 decimal places.
- To override the number of decimal
places displayed on the WinCross report in Excel for percents, select
the Percent check box.
- From the dropdown list, select the
number of decimals to display for percents on the Excel report.
- You can choose between 0
and 8 decimal places.
the full-precision values saved to Excel to the number of decimal places
displayed in the Excel report itself
- This option allows you to specify
the decimal precision based on what is displayed rather than the actual
number in Excel.
- This can be helpful if you always
want your percents to add to 100%.
- Normally, when you click in a cell
with a value, it displays the real number in the formula bar of Excel.

- Using this option, the real number
displayed in the formula bar of Excel, becomes the decimal precision
of what is displayed in Excel.

multi run Add Run / Delete Run
is verycommon for a client to request multiple Excel runs of the same
report with different options selected. Now, this can all be done in a
single run of WinCross by using the Add Run feature.

- The above screenshot uses all of
the defaut Excel settings.
- Let's say the clients also requests
a percent only sheet within the same workbook. In previous version
this could be done by running the report twice and then merging the
two Excel files together. This can now be done by using the "Add
Run" option.
- Select "Add Run"
- To have the new run append to
the same Excel Workbook leave the Excel output filename the same:

When appending files Worksheet Options are disabled.
- Next, make any desired changes
for the second run. Using the above example unckeck Include frequencies.
- Continue to add any desired runs.
Once done select okay, and run.
- WinCross will create a single Excel
Workbook that contains all the runs appended.
Interweave Banners