Content|Table Selection tab
In Setup|Chart
Content, you can specify chart options for selected banners
and tables using the Table Selection
Select a banner/Select
one or more tables
- Choose the banner and tables
for specifying Chart title
and/or Rows to exclude,
if any, from chart.
- Only one banner can be selected at
a time.
- Multiple
tables per banner can be selected at one time.
- By default, the Chart title for each table
selected is the Table name
followed by the Table
- Rows
to exclude can be specified for a group of tables if
all tables have the same row format.
- If multiple tables are selected,
the Chart title box will display
the message <Multiple tables
- If multiple tables are selected
with different row formats, the Rows
to exclude, if any, from chart list box will display
the message "The selected
tables contain rows that don't match".
Remove from
Table List - Removes a tables from the list of tables within the
Select one or more tables list
box. This is helpful when you decide not to create a chart for a previously
processed WinCross tables.
- Chart
title - By default, the Chart
title for each table selected is the Table
name followed by the Table
title. You can modify this default Chart
- Rows
to exclude, if any, from chart - Specifies the rows from each
table to exclude from the chart. By default, the filter row and summary
rows are automatically excluded from the chart - see Setup|Chart
Style|Tables tab.
Related topics:
How to create a chart
in WinCross
Setup|Chart Style