File|Export to SAV File


Export to SAV File allows you to convert your ASCII fixed format (*), ASCII comma delimited (*.csv), ASCII tab delimited (*.tab or *.tsv) or Excel (*.xls, or *.xlsx) input data file to SPSS (*.sav) format or ASCII comma delimited (*.csv).


IMPORTANT: WinCross Table Name (Setup|Tables) is used to create the SPSS variable name. Verify that your WinCross Table Name is valid as an SPSS variable name. Spaces in Table Name will automatically be converted to underscores when exporting to SPSS (e.g. "T1 NEW" becomes "T1_NEW").


If your data file is ASCII fixed format:

If your data file is ASCII comma delimited (*.csv), ASCII tab delimited (*.tab or *.tsv) or Excel (*.xls, or *.xlsx) format:

Note: SPSS Variables cannot be created for Indexed tables.

Related topics:

Open Data

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