ExpressTable Editor|Table Editor tab

In the Express Table Editor, you can edit tables using the Table Editor tab.

Name - The Name field is the name of your table (also referred to as Table no. in Setup|Tables). When tables are created from variables using Express Tables from Variable Data, the variable Name becomes the table Name.

Index - The index number used when the Apply to Other Tables tab is selected to create USE tables or when the USE Rows option of Setup|Tables|Add Table is selected. This field is display only on the Table Editor tab.

Table is active - Indicates if a table is active or inactive (commented out). A table that is inactive (commented out) will have a "C" in the first column for each line of the table in the WinCross job file. When the Table is active check box is not selected, the Active column for each row of the table is "N". This is an easy way to comment out an entire table. When the Table is active check box is selected, the Active column for each row of the table is "Y".

Table options - The Table options for the selected table. These are a series of two-character codes used to represent specific table, filter and statistics options. Table options entered here need to be separated by a comma.

Filter - The Filter title, logic and type for the selected table. Clicking in the Filter field will automatically display the Table Filter dialog box where you can enter the Filter title, Filter logic and Filter type. You also have the option of entering the same information in the Filter field using the syntax of filter title^filter logic^filter type.

Title - The table Title for the selected table. When tables are created from variables using Express Tables from Variable Data, the variable Label becomes the table Title. You can edit the table Title.

Subtitle - The table Subtitle for the selected table. You can enter/edit the table Subtitle.

Footnote - The table Footnote for the selected table. You can enter/edit the table Footnote.

Word wrap - Wraps long Row Text for easier viewing.


IMPORTANT: When there are NET rows on a table, using the Reverse option for rows will not adjust the NET logic automatically. You will need to edit the table to adjust this logic. For example if the first row of your table is a net row defined as NET2 and you reverse the rows, the NET2 is now the last row on the table. If you still want to net the two previous rows, the NET2 logic for that row should be changed to NET-2.

Select OK to close the Express Table Editor dialog box.

Related topics:

Setup|Express Tables from Variable Data

Express Table Editor

Setup Menu

Setup Tables

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