[TABLES] Section of the Job File

The [TABLES] section lists information for each table, in order of table appearance. Using the WinCross user interface, table information is entered using Setup|Tables.


Note that, like the section title, table numbers (e.g., T1^1) are not indented.


This section, as it appears in EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB, is shown below. An explanation of each line follows, with actual values from EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB shown in parentheses:







Male^                                   GENDER (1)^

Female^                                 GENDER (2)^



Q.1 On average, how many hours per week do you spend participating in outdoor activities at Arizona parks?


Less than 1 hour per week (.5)^         Q1 (1)#.5^

1-3 hours per week (2)^                 Q1 (2)#2^

4-6 hours per week (5)^                 Q1 (3)#5^

7-9 hours per week (8)^                 Q1 (4)#8^

10-15 hours per week (12.5)^            Q1 (5)#12.5^

16-20 hours per week (18)^              Q1 (6)#18^

More than 20 hours per week (25)^       Q1 (7)#25^


Line 1

The first line displays the table number (T1^2). It must start with a “T” in column 1, followed by the table number. A table number can have up to 11 alphanumeric characters.


After the caret (^), you can add an index number used by the USE Rows option (2). USE Rows index numbers must be unique. For tables not defined with the USE Rows option, you do not need to include these index numbers; Win Cross automatically supplies them when the job file is opened. Index numbers are not saved until the job file is saved using File|Save Job or File|Save Job As in WinCross.


See the explanation of Lines 5 and subsequent lines to learn how the USE command provides equivalent USE Rows functionality when using a text editor to create or edit job files.


Line 2

The second line contains table and filter option codes (OW,OV,OR,OB,SA,SP,P1), each separated by a comma. Options can appear in any order. See Options - Job File Codes for a list of table and filter options.


Line 3

The third line contains the table title (Gender); table titles can have up to 480 characters.


Line 4

This line contains the filter (base) for the table (TOTAL^TN^0). The first part of the line is the filter title (TOTAL), which can have up to 480 characters, followed by a caret (^). Next, the filter logic is shown (TN); this can be TN for “total” or can be more restrictive logic (up to 1024 characters). This is followed by another caret (^), then the filter type, represented by one of three codes:






For example, to change the above filter to reflect only those respondents answering a question, you would change the filter type from 0 to 1 to get: TOTAL^TN^1.


Line 5 and subsequent lines

Beginning with line five, there are as many lines as there are table rows: (Note: Limit of 6000 rows per table in WinCross)


Male^                                    GENDER (1)^

Female^                                  GENDER (2)^


Each line has row text (e.g., Male), which can be up to 480 characters, followed by a caret (^). Next is the row logic (GENDER (1)), which can also be up to 1024 characters. The logic is followed by a second caret (^), after which row options can follow. For example:






A number after the caret on the row indicates a change to the base from which the row will be percentaged.


See Options - Job File Codes for a list of row options.


You can utilize the USE feature to duplicate the USE Rows function when you create or edit your job file using a text editor.


The format for USE is:


USE=Index# or Table name (when table name is alphanumeric),record/position or variable name


For example:








means, “use the rows from the table with index 4 (or table name Q2A), replacing variable Q2_1 with variable Q2_2.” Tables 4-12 in EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB, are examples of rows created by the USE feature.

Related topics:

Writing Specifications Using a Text Editor

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