[TITLE] Section of the Job File

The [TITLE] section lists the job title to be printed on the table. Using the WinCross Interface, job title information is entered using Setup|Job Settings|Job Title.


The [TITLE] section from EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB follows:



 Arizona Parks and Recreation Study^TL

 Prepared by: The Analytical Group, Inc.|~TN ~PN|~TM ~DA^TC


The title section can include two lines, of which only the section title is required.


Line 1

The first line can be up to 480 characters and is the title to appear on top of the page. A caret (^) follows the title text, followed by one of three justification codes:


TL     =    Left justify

TC     =    Center justify

TR     =    Right justify


Line 2

The second line can be up to 480 characters and is the text to appear at the bottom of the page. A caret (^) follows the title text, followed by one of three justification codes:


TL     =    Left justify

TC     =    Center justify

TR     =    Right justify


Other options can be specified in the job title to display table number, page number, date and time on each table. If options are specified on Line 1 of the Job Title, table number, page number, date and time will print on the top of the page. If options are specified on Line 2 of the Job Title, table number, page number, date and time will print at the bottom of the page.


~TN =    Print table number on each table

~PN =    Print page number on each table

~DA =    Print date on each table

~TM =    Print time on each table

Related topics:

Writing Specifications Using a Text Editor

View|Job File