Component Logic
A Logic set is the WinCross Executive logic for a Component. Components are then used for building the rows and columns of Crosstabs.
- A component can contain more than one Logic set and when it does, the component can only be used as a Banner Component in a Crosstab.
- Logic sets are presented in a tab format where Logic Set 1 is the name of the first logic set, Logic Set 2 is the name of the second logic set, etc.
- When you click on the Name or Label of a component, that component becomes highlighted and Logic set information about the component is displayed.
- The Logic set title of the Logic set is initially the same as the Label of the component but can be modified.
- Each logic set displays the Title, Logic, Mean value (if applicable), Base logic (if applicable),Group median: Low and High (if applicable), Crosstab/Charts: Stats and Hide for that item.
- The Title for each logic set item is initially the same as the Value label for each code value from the variable(s) selected to create the component.
- The Title, Logic, Mean value, Base logic, Group median: Low and High and whether to be included in the calculation for table statistics (Stats) for each item of a logic set can be modified by selecting Edit.
- Base logic is only applicable for a Component with a Calculation type of Summary of Frequencies.
- Group median: Low and High values are only applicable for a Component with a Calculation type of Standard.
- The Calculation type for a Component is displayed in the Component information panel when a component is selected from the Component list.
Logic set
- A component can contain more than one Logic set and when it does, the component can only be used as a Banner Component in a Crosstab.
- The purpose for a component with more than one Logic set is to create a nested banner when used as a Banner Component in a Crosstab (for example Gender within Income where Logic Set 1 is the logic set for Income and Logic Set 2 is the logic set for Gender).
- Logic sets are presented in a tab format where Logic Set 1 is the name of the first logic set, Logic Set 2 is the name of the second logic set, etc.
- Use
to add a new logic set to the currently selected component.
- Use
to remove a logic set from the currently selected component.
- Use
to change the order of the logic sets.
- Allows you to add a new logic item to a Component.
- Enter the desired Title, Logic, Base logic, Mean Value, Group median low and Group median high values and/or whether to be included in the calculation for table statistics (Include in statistics rows) and choose Add.
- Mean value is the value you want associated with each code value when calculating means (for example, 1=25,2=35,3=45) and is optional.
- Base logic is the logic to be used as the percentage base for that logic set item on a summary of frequency component and is optional.
- Group median: Low and Group median: High provide a value range for calculating a group median and is optional. You must enter both a low and high value to calculate the group median.
- Include in statistics rows is the check box for whether to include that row when calculating table statistics. The default is usually to include the row with some exceptions (for example, NET rows).
- Enter the desired Title, Logic, Mean value, Base logic, Group median low and Group median high values and/or whether to be included in the calculation for table statistics (Stats) for Crosstab/Charts and choose Save.
- Mean value is the value you want associated with each code value when calculating means (for example, 1=25,2=35,3=45) and is optional.
- Base logic is the logic to be used as the percentage base for that logic set item and is optional.
- Group median: Low and Group median: High provide a value range for calculating a group median and is optional. You must enter both a low and high value to calculate the group median.
- Stats is the check box for whether to include that row when calculating table statistics. The default is usually to include the row with some exceptions (for example, NET rows).
- Hide is the check box for whether to show or hide a row on the crosstab/chart report.
- Multiple logic set items can be edited at one time by enabling the check box for two or more items and choosing Edit or by not enabling the check box for any logic set item and choosing Edit.
- Search/Replace Text allows you do globally change the text for Titles, Logic and Means.
- Logic items can be duplicated. This is most useful if you want an additional item that is similar but may only need minor changes and eliminates the need to have the add the entire new logic item.
- Enable the check box for the desired logic items and choose Duplicate.
- The duplicate logic items will be added to the end of the logic items list. You can reorganize logic items by using the Up and Down options.
- Allows you to delete logic items from a Component.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose Delete.
- Allows you to combine logic items with a logical operator (OR or AND) for a Component.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose Combine.
- Allows you to create a NET item in a Component.
- You can choose between Insert Above or Insert Below for placement of the NET item.
- Insert Above will add the NET item above the selected logic items.
- Insert Below will add the NET item below the selected logic items.
- The logic for NET items is created using the OR logical operator.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose NET.
- Allows you to create a SUB item in a Component.
- A SUB row sub-totals the responses for the given rows. The SUB feature is a response level row and not respondent.
- You can choose between Insert Above or Insert Below for placement of the SUB item.
- Insert Above will add the SUB item above the selected logic items.
- Insert Below will add the SUB item below the selected logic items.
- The logic for SUB items is the number of items before or after the SUB (for example, if you are sub-totaling two logic items and placing the subtotal before the two logic items, the logic is 2, if you are sub-totaling two logic items and placing the subtotal after the two logic items, the logic is -2).
- Enable the check box for one or more contiguous logic items and choose SUB.
- Allows you to change the case for the Title of selected items in a Component.
- You can choose between Title Case, Sentence Case, Uppercase or Lowercase.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose Case.
- Allows you to change the placement in the list of selected items in a Component.
- You can choose between Up or Down.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose Up or Down.
Allows you to invert the placement of selected items in a Component, apply the same logic structure to other components or edit multiple logic items at once.
- Allows you to reverse the order of selected items.
- Enable the check box for one or more logic items and choose Invert from the More dropdown menu.
Apply Structure to Other Components
The Apply Structure to Other Components option can be a time-saver if you have a list of similar components. For example, if you have a set of rating components and you want to invert the logic set items and add mean values, you can edit the logic set for the first component and then use the Apply Structure to Other Components option to apply the structure (not logic) to the other similar components.
- Allows you to apply the logic set structure of a component to other similar components.
- Choose Apply Structure to Other Components from the More dropdown menu.
- Choose the components from the list to which the logic set structure (not logic) is to be applied and select OK.
Add Logic Items from Variables
- The Add Logic Items from Variables option allows you to add logic set items from selected variables to the Logic Set of the currently selected component.
- The Add Logic Items from Variables option is only valid for a Component with a Calculation type of Standard.
- Enable the check box for one or more variables in the list and choose Save.
- The new logic set items will be appended to the Logic Set selected for the currently selected component.
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