Run Chart
Run Chart allows you to run the chart that has been selected for this report.
Once you have created a chart you can run the chart directly from the Edit Chart screen or from the Charts menu under tabulations.
Select the chart you want to run by clicking the check box and then select Run Chart.
Once the chart is ran you will then be able to save the chart.
Only one chart can be ran at a time.
Save Excel/Image to My Drive
- Save Excel to My Drive lets you choose the destination folder where the Excel chart is to be saved.
- You can save the Excel chart file to your user folder, a folder/subfolder within your user folder or another user's folder/subfolder as long as you have Write permissions to that folder.
- Folders that you have Write permissions to will be colorized as green and folders that you do not have Write permissions to will be colorized as red.
- Any user shared to the destination folder will receive an email notification if the Send me an email whenever another user shares a file or folder to me flag is enabled on the My Account dialog from the Account dropdown menu.
- Select the destination folder.
- If desired, modify the Report name from the default report name assigned by WinCross Executive.
- If desired, enter a Description for the chart.
- Choose Save.
- When saving charts to Excel the chart saved is a true Excel Chart and can be further modified within Excel.
- When saving an image the file created has an extension of .PNG
Download Excel/Image/PDF
Download Excel allows you to directly download the Excel file to your browse's download directory.
Download Image allows you to directly download the chart image to your browse's download directory.
Download PDF allows you to directly download the PDF file to your browse's download directory.
Back to Charts
Selecting back to charts returns you to the Charts menu under tabulations
Show as crosstab
When enabled the behind the scenes crosstab used for creating the chart will be shown.