WinCross Executive Help

Edit Chart

Edit Chart allows you to build your chart. You can add/edit category components, series components, chart type and chart options.


Series Components and Category Components are built from Components created using the Select Variables option under the Tabulation dropdown menu.


Series Components

  • Represents the data series named in the legend and identifies which color represents each set of data.
  • Choose Series Components to add, remove or rearrange chart data series Components.
  • Components with more than one Logic set can only be used as a Category Component for creating Charts.
  • Click anywhere on a component in the list to highlight a single component to display Component information and Logic set information.
  • Only one component can be highlighted at a time and the Component information and Logic set panels display information about the highlighted component.
  • If no Component information is displayed, a component in the list has not been highlighted.



    • Choose Add  to select series components.
    • Select one or more components and choose OK.



    • Enable the check box for the desired components and choose Remove.


Category Components

  • Represents the data categories being measured.
  • Choose Category Components to add, remove or rearrange chart data category Components.
  • Components with more than one Logic set can only be used as a Category Component for creating Charts.
  • Click anywhere on a component in the list to highlight a single component to display Component information and Logic set information.
  • Only one component can be highlighted at a time and the Component information and Logic set panels display information about the highlighted component.
  • If no Component information is displayed, a component in the list has not been highlighted.



    • Choose Add to select category components.
    • Select one or more components and choose OK.



    • Enable the check box for the desired components and choose Remove.


Move Up/Move Down

    • Allows you to change the placement of a category component in the chart.
    • You can choose between Move Up or Move Down.
    • Enable the check box for one or more component and choose Move Up or Move Down.


Chart Options

  • Select the Type from the dropdown menu of available types.
  • You can modify the size of your chart using the Width and Height specifications. Width and Height are specified in pixels.
  • The WinCross Executive default Width is 540 pixels and the default Height is 360 pixels.
  • You can assign a chart Title.
  • Legend Options allows you to add a legend to your chart
  • Area Options allows you to enter a X and Y axis title, Enable 3D, Clustered, Right angle axes, Inclination, Perspective, Rotation, Point depth, Point gap depth, Wall width and Light style.
  • The Series Options allow you to show values in label, adjust the label style, drawing style, draw side by side, marker style, marker size, and point width
  • Some Chart Options require that you Save Changes to display the new options in the Chart preview area while others do not.


Run Options

  • Enable the Use a weight variable check box and choose a weight variable from the dropdown list to add weighting when the chart is run.
  • Run filter lets you enter filter logic for your chart using WinCross Executive logic syntax rules.
  • Value type changes the values used on the chart
  • Value type precision adjusts the decimal precision shown
  • Base for vertical percents allows you to change the base used
  • There's also the option to Hide blank series, and Hide blank categories



  • You can assign a theme to your chart by enabling the Use a theme check box and selecting a theme from the dropdown menu of themes.
  • Series color palette allows you to change the look and feel of the theme.
  • Under Advanced Options you have the ability to customize the chart to the specific colors and widths you desire


Chart preview

Chart preview provides a preview of how your chart will look based on the selected Chart Type and Run Options.


Swap Rows/Columns

  • The chart is populated from an underlying crosstab and normally uses the crosstab table rows for the series data points. The Swap Rows/Columns toggles whether the series data points are generated from either the rows or the columns.


Swap Series/Categories

  • The Swap Series/Categories option lets you switch the Series Components and Category Components to the opposite axis without having to manually redo the chart.

Related topics:

Create Charts from Components

      Run Charts

      Create Private Link