Changing values for statistics

Changing values for statistics:

In table statistics, if the values are not what you want to use in the calculation of summary statistics, use the # symbol to change them. The # symbol does not effect the calculation for the Grouped median.


Table statistics use the value in parentheses as the value for calculating. For example, if the current logic for the five rows of the table is:


Variable data


ASCII data

Q1 (1)


1/8 (1)

Q1 (2)


1/8 (2)

Q1 (3)


1/8 (3)

Q1 (4)


1/8 (4)

Q1 (5)


1/8 (5)


the values in parentheses are used in table statistics (1 in Variable Q1; 2 in Variable Q1, etc. or 1 in record 1, column 8; 2 in record 1, column 8 etc.).


You can specify the values for statistics different from those in parenthesis by using the # symbol. For example.


Q1 (1) #5

Q1 (2) #4

Q1 (3) #3

Q1 (4) #2

Q1 (5) #1


means, 'Use value 5 for 1 in variable Q1, use value 4 for 2 in variable Q1 and so on'. You write the # symbol and the new value in row logic.


For row statistics such as mean summaries or volumetric rows, you can use the # symbol with an equal sign to signify which values should use a different value for statistics. For example:


Q1 (1-5) #1=5,2=4,4=2,5=1

Q2 (1-5) #1=5,2=4,4=2,5=1

Q3 (1-5) #1=5,2=4,4=2,5=1

Q4 (1-5) #1=5,2=4,4=2,5=1


means, 'Use value 5 for 1, 4 for 2, 2 for 4 and 1 for 5 in variable Q1; use value 5 for 1, 4 for 2, 2 for 4 and 1 for 5 in variable Q2 and so on'. It is not necessary to use the # symbol for other values that will not use a different value, such as 3=3.


For tables with ranges of values, use a Grouped median.

Related topics:

Profile Settings|Statistics Rows

Job Settings|Statistics Rows