Profile Settings|Statistics


Note: Changes made to Profile Settings only apply to "new" jobs created using the modified profile and will have no effect on "existing" job files. Use Setup|Job Settings or Setup|Globally Modify Tables to make changes to existing job files.

In Setup|Profile Settings, you can specify options for statistics on your tables using the Statistics tab.

Median and quartile options

An example will help illustrate the difference between an Interpolated and Medoid median/quartile: Given the data (1,2,3,4), the Interpolated median would be computed to be 2.5, which is the middle value. The Medoid for this same data would be 2, since the Medoid is required to be a value which is present in the data. By definition, the Medoid is selected from the position just before the Interpolated median. Note that if the data is sorted in descending order, the Medoid for the data (4,3,2,1) will be 3. In other words, the same data can have different medoids depending on the sort order. This fact leads some statisticians to prefer the Interpolated median over the Medoid.

Scaling - Allows you to select the number of places to move the decimal point when values are too large to fit in a cell.

Decimal places - Defines the decimal precision for all statistics.

Display options

Statistical testing - Statistical tests are selected for banner columns in Setup|Banners. Statistical testing has to be selected at the table level too.

Statistical testing must be selected for a banner AND selected for a table.

Note: Each comparison group (Setup|Banners|Edit Banner|Comparison Groups) can be represented by a significance indicator of up to 3 characters. Each indicator is considered an item for purposes of assigning the Number of significance indicators per line. If the number of significance indicators exceeds the maximum specified and multiple lines of display are not being specified in Number of lines to use for significance indicators, an asterisk will display indicating there are more significance indicators to display. Increase the Number of significance indicators per line or specify multiple lines of display.

Note: Using the "/" (slash) character as the Delimiter to use between significance indicators is not recommended. WinCross separates your Comparison Groups using this character. It may be difficult to identify your Comparison Groups in the footnotes section of your report with this character also being used as the delimiter.

Significance indicator order

Treatment of statistics

Note: When Use general formula for standard error (Treat weights as replicates) is selected and weighting has been applied to your banner, the Means test of Independent (based on test for equal variances) and the Percents test of Independent (using unpooled proportions) are not valid tests for this option.

Related topics:

Profile Settings

Job Settings|Statistics