File Menu


New Job

New Data File **



Close Job

Close Data File

Export to SAV file

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When you open WinCross, you can begin a new job without specifying a job name. If you are working on one job and want to start a new job, choose File|New Job. If you want to work on an existing job, choose File|Open|Open Job and specify the filename of the desired job (the default job file extension is (*.job). The current job filename is always displayed within the title bar region of the WinCross application window.


You can begin a new variable data file by selecting File|New Data File. Once the new data file is created, use File|Save|Save Data As to specify a filename for the new data file. Choose File|Open|Open Data to open an existing data file.


When you choose File from the WinCross application menu, up to four of the most recent job filenames (*.job) are listed at the bottom of the File menu. Below that, up to four data filenames are listed. You can select any of the filenames listed to open them in WinCross.