Percents tab (Edit Banner)
Banner and choose the Horizontal/Constant
Percents tab.
Horizontal percent uses a column
total and prints the percent calculated (vertical percent uses a row total).
You pair a banner column with another column for horizontal percentaging.
Usually, a ‘total’ column is used for percentaging all other banner columns.
Sometimes, a banner has more than one ‘total’ column, so you can specify
more than one pair of columns for horizontal percent.
- Select the column(s) you want for
horizontal percents in the Columns
list box.
- Select the column number to use as
a base in the Base column to use
for horizontal percents field from the dropdown list of choices.
The default Base column to use for
horizontal percents for all banner columns is column 1.
- Select the Apply
to Selected Column(s) button to apply the base column for horizontal
percents to the selected columns.
- If statistical testing is specified
for the banner/table, the significance indicators will only apply
to horizontal percent if vertical percent is not being displayed on the table
Constant percent (also referred
to as "Corner percent")
uses a constant value or column number and row (Total,
Total Answering, Sigma
or Table Filter Row) intersection
to calculate the constant percent (vertical percent uses a row total and
horizontal percent uses a column total).
- Enter a Constant
value or select the Column
number and Row (choose
Total, Total
Answering, Sigma or
Table Filter Row from the
dropdown box). Table Filter Row
uses the filter row of each table and is especially useful if all
tables are not filtered on the same row.
- Select the Apply
to Banner button to apply the Constant
value or the Column number
and Row for calculating the
constant percent.
- The value (base) used in calculating
constant percents is displayed in a footnote on the tables report.
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