Table Options


In Setup|Tables, select Table Options:


Note: You can choose one or more summary row type. Any filter type that was chosen for your table filter cannot also be chosen as your summary row type:


Summary rows:

WinCross automatically supplies the row text for the summary row. You can edit that text using Setup|Job Settings| Wording for Rows and specify where the summary rows should appear using Setup|Job Settings|Summary Rows.



Show all cases in the data file, even those that have no data for the table.


Total Answering

Show any case that has data for the table, except those with no answers or missing data for the table.



Multiple answers per case exist and you want the summary row to report the number of total responses for the table.


No Answer

Automatically include a ‘No Answer’ row as the last row of the table. A ‘No answer’ is defined as any case not accounted for by the rows of the table.



Displays the number of cases for each ‘cell’ (intersection of a row and a banner column).


Vertical percent

Displays the percent of a cell based to the filter row total.


Horizontal percent

Displays the percent of a cell based to a banner column.


Constant percent

Displays the percent of a cell based to a constant (either a specified constant value or the intersection of a specified banner column and row (Total, Total Answering or Sigma). Specify the Constant value or Banner column and Row (Total, Total Answering or Sigma) intersection using Setup|Banners|Edit Banner|Horizontal/Constant Percents.


Important: Constant percent must be selected in a banner (see Horizontal/Constant Percents tab (Edit Banner)) AND selected for a table.


Hide blank rows

Hides rows without data.


Suppress weighting

Turn off weighting for a table.


Indent levels

Indents each level of netting. Indentation helps accentuate a table's nets and subnets. Indent levels works for net rows specified with the NET instruction and subtotal rows specified with the SUB instruction. You can also indent such rows manually by preceding row text with blanks.

Show percent sign (%)

Displays percent signs on all percents on the row.


Show dollar sign ($)

Displays dollar signs on tables with dollar values.


Show comma (,)

Displays commas for frequency cells.


Append next table

Frequency decimal places

Percent decimal places

Percentage Off




Ranking options:

In most cases, ranking by frequencies and percents achieves the same results. However, when a table's rows have different bases, the results of ranking by percent can be quite different than those of ranking by frequencies.


Note: You cannot rank on horizontal percent.


If the table is composed of mean summaries, the table is ranked automatically by means.


When ranking is selected on a table with nets or subtotals, the items within the net or subtotal are ranked if the NET or SUB instructions are used to specify the rows. If several nets or subtotals appear on a table with ranking, they are ranked within each net or subtotal and then ranked overall. To force an entire net or subtotal to rank high or low, choose Row Options in Setup|Tables and select the row with the NET or SUB logic. Then choose Ranking and specify High, Low or Neither, let rank determine.


Row(s) can be excluded from ranking within the table. See the If ranking, force row to rank option of Row Options for more information on excluding rows from ranking.


Show rank number in all cells

Choose Show rank number in all cells if you want the rank number to be printed in all cells.


Note: When there is more than one row that is ranked the same, an asterisk will display to the left of the ranking (for example *(2)).

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