Run|Memorized reports


WinCross’ Memorized reports feature allows you to create a series of Run|Tables, Run|Frequency and/or Run|Marginal for selected input (job and data files) and to save this series of Memorized reports for later processing. This feature is useful for sets of tables, frequencies and/or marginals that you run on a regular basis.


Choose Run|Memorized reports to display the following menu options:


Run Report File

Edit Report File


Memorized reports can also be processed using command line instructions.


Example 1:


"c:\tag\wc16\wincross.exe" -wmr "c:\wmrfiles\myreport.wmr"


This command line instruction will open WinCross and run the specified memorized report.


Example 2:


"c:\tag\wc16\wincross.exe" -wmr "c:\wmrfiles\myreport.wmr" -close


This command line instruction will open WinCross, run the specified memorized report and close WinCross.

Related topics:

Create a Memorized Report File