Run|Sample Balancing: Variable data


Note: Run|Sample Balancing cannot be selected unless your job and data files are open.

Add filter (optional)

Choose one or more variables to weight

Find a variable

Allows you to enter search criteria to locate a specific variable. This is especially useful when there are many variables in your job file and you want to quickly locate a specific variable.


Find Next

Allows you to find the next variable that matches the previously entered search criteria. This is especially useful when there are multiple variables in your job file with similar variable names.


Set the target percents for each code value for the selected variable  


The following information about the selected variable is displayed:


Sequence #

Displays the sequence # for the selected variable.


Code Value(s)

Displays the Code Value(s) found in the data file for the selected variable.


Value Label

Displays the Value Label(s) found in the data file for the selected variable. For variable data files with no Value Label(s), the Value Label displayed will be the same as the Code Value.


Observed Frequency

Displays the frequency for each code value of the selected variable.


Observed Percent

Displays the percent of total for each code value of the selected variable.


Target Percent

The Use goodness-of-fit minimization technique option of Sample Balancing allows up to 10 variables, with up to 20 numeric Code values (levels) per variable. The total number of combinations cannot exceed 50 million. You can calculate the number of combinations by multiplying the number of code values for the 1st variable by the number of code values for the 2nd variable by the number of code values for the 3rd variable, etc. For example, if you are working with variables that have 6 code values each, up to 9 of these variables can be analyzed at the same time, because 6 to the 9th power is less than 50 million. The Use iterative proportional fitting technique option of Sample Balancing allows up to 50 variables, with up to 100 Code values (levels) per variable.


Clear Percents

Use Clear Percents to initialize Target Percent to 0.00 for all code values of the selected variable.


Combine Levels

Use Combine Levels to combine two or more Code Values into one.



Dissolve Level

Dissolve Level allows you to dissolve a previously combined group of Code Values.


Set Value Label



Variable to which weight will be written

Calculate to filtered sample size

Calculate to reduced sample size

Calculate to a custom sample size

Goodness of fit

Maximum passes

Use goodness-of-fit minimization technique

Replace negative weights with

Use iterative proportional fitting technique

Computes the sample balancing using the iterative proportional fitting technique and will never result in negative weights.


Note: The Iterative Proportional Fitting technique never produces negative weights.


Use glossary transformations

Applies glossary statements written in the Setup Glossary Variables dialog prior to the calculation for sample balancing.


Run Filter


When Run is selected on the Run Sample Balancing dialog, the Sample Balancing report becomes the active dialog. You can print this report by selecting File|Print|Print Report or you can save the report using File|Save|Save Report or File|Save|Save Report As. The Sample Balancing report can be saved as a Plain Text Report (*.rpt), Microsoft Word/Rich Text Format (*.rtf) report or as a Microsoft Excel 1997-2003 (*.xls) or Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 (*.xlsx) report.



Saves the sample balancing specifications as jobname.sbv to the folder where the open job file currently resides.



Use Load to open a sample balancing specifications file (*.sbv) choosing a different folder/file path from where the open job file currently resides.


Save As

Allows you to save the sample balancing specifications to a file name (*.sbv) and location of your choosing.



Use Cancel to exit the Run Sample Balancing dialog. You will be prompted to save any changes made to the Run Sample Balancing dialog.


Restore Defaults

Resets all sample balancing settings to the WinCross defaults.

Related topics:



Sample Balancing

Sample Balancing ASCII data