Home > BANNERS Section
The [BANNERS] section lists information for each banner. Using the WinCross user interface, banner information is entered using Setup|Banners.
Listed in the banner order, the following is an example of a [BANNERS] section:
*Banner 1
GENDER (1)^W70
GENDER (2)^W70
INCOME (1)^W70
INCOME (2)^W70
INCOME (3)^W70
INCOME (4)^W70
INCOME (5)^W70
INCOME (6)^W70
INCOME (7)^W70
INCOME (8)^W70
INCOME (9)^W70
INCOME (10)^W70
Line 1
The first line is the banner name (*Banner 1), which can have up to 480 characters. The asterisk (*) informs WinCross this is the start of a new banner.
Beginning with line 2, all subsequent banner lines must be indented one space.
Line 2
The second line contains spacing/width values for each banner column. It starts with SW:, followed by pairs of values. Each pair represents the number of spaces preceding the banner column, followed by its width.
There are thirteen pairs of values in the above example, representing 13 banner columns. Each column is to be preceded by 1 space and have a width of 7.
Line 3
This line starts with HP: (for Horizontal percent). Each number that follows corresponds to the base column off of which each column is to be horizontally percentaged. If the banner is run against a table having the Horizontal percent option engaged, the table uses the columns indicated for the horizontal percent bases.
Following this is a value corresponding to each banner column. This represents the column number off of which that column is to be horizontally percentaged. In the above example, all columns are horizontally percentaged off the first column, TOTAL. If the line read: HP:1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2; the INCOME banner columns would be percentaged off the second banner column, MALE.
Line 4
This line starts with CP: (for Constant percent). Each number that follows corresponds to either the Constant value specified or the Banner column/Filter row location specified for constant percentaging. (CP:0,0 represents None for no constant percentaging.) If the line read: CP:25.00; and if the banner is run against a table that has the Constant percent option selected, the constant percents for that table would be calculated using a constant value of 25.00.
Line 5
Starting with SL:, significance item labels for each banner column are entered on this line. (SL:A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M represents the significance item label of A for banner column 1, B for banner column 2, C for banner column 3, etc.).
You can change the significance indicator shown in the Column (n) significance indicator field (where n = the Column number from the Columns list box) (up to 3 characters per banner column) or leave the default significance indicator as shown. For more information on changing the significance indicator, see Comparison Groups tab (Edit Banner).
Line 6
Starting with ST:, significance testing options are entered on this line. Three data sets appear after the colon, each set separated from another by a carat (^):
1) Comparison Groups
These are banner columns to be compared against one another. A slash separates one group from another. In the example, (1,2/3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), two groups are to be compared; the first group compares banner columns 1 and 2, while the second compares banner columns 3-10.
Note: In the example above, TOTAL is banner column 0.
If a comparison group has a total column designated, the comparison groups might look like this:
ST:0T,1,2/3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10^MI,03^PZ,0348 where the “0T” designates banner column 0 as the total column. See Setup|Banners for more information about designating a total column.
2) Mean Test
The two-character alpha code indicates a mean test (MI), followed by its options (,03).
3) Percent Test
The two-character alpha code indicates a percent test (PZ), followed by its options (,0348).
See Options - Job File Codes for a list of banner Mean and Percent options.
Line 7
Starting with WT:, this required line contains weighting information, even if no weights are to be used. In the example, tables will be unweighted since no values follow the WT: (weight) code.
Below is an example of a line containing weights:
The first value is the number of implied decimal places (5). The second value is internal to WinCross. The weight fields follow, separated by a comma, and include each banner column position. An unweighted column within weighted columns, is indicated by double commas.
In the preceding example, all but the second-to-last banner column would be weighted by the value in variable WEIGHT, with 5 implied decimal places. The second-to-last column would be unweighted.
Line 8
This line will only exist if other banner options are specified and will begin with OP:. Some examples of options that can be specified are, SB (Display Banner Title Above Table Title), SL (Display Banner Title Below Table Title), HD (deselect Show Underlines in Banner), or W# (width specified in pixels for total banner column text). In the example above, the OP: is followed by W200 (total banner column text is 200 pixels wide). If no other banner options are specified, this line is optional.
Line 9
Starting with BT:, this line will indicate if a banner title (Banner title) was specified for this banner. In the example above, there is nothing following the BT: indicating no banner title was specified for this banner. If no banner title is specified, this line is optional.
Line 10
Starting with BF:, this line will indicate if a banner filter (Filter title/Filter logic) was specified for this banner. In the example above, there is nothing following the BF: indicating no banner filter (Filter title/Filter logic) was specified for this banner. If no banner filter (Filter title/Filter logic) is specified, this line is optional.
Line 11
The first position on this line represents the number of banner points (columns), hence the PT: designation. The second value represents the banner column number against which any designated tables will be ranked.
In the example above (PT:13,1), there are 13 banner columns and any tables run by this banner are to be ranked on banner column 1, when the ranking option is selected.
Line 12 and as many subsequent lines as there are banner columns
Following line eleven, there should be a line containing the logic for each banner column. Since there are 13 banner columns in the example (also shown below), lines 12 through 24 contain the banner column logic. ** Banner column logic can have up to 1024 characters.
GENDER (1)^W70
GENDER (2)^W70
INCOME (1)^W70
INCOME (2)^W70
INCOME (3)^W70
INCOME (4)^W70
INCOME (5)^W70
INCOME (6)^W70
INCOME (7)^W70
INCOME (8)^W70
INCOME (9)^W70
INCOME (10)^W70
If Enhanced text report was selected as the Report viewing format on the Run Tables dialog box when Run|Tables is selected and the banner columns have been adjusted using Setup|Banners, the W# option will display at the end of the banner column logic to indicate how wide the banner column is specified in screen pixels (e.g. GENDER (1)^W70).
Last lines: Banner column text
Following the banner logic is the banner column text:
The dotted lines in the banner column text example above represent the identification of merged cells for the Banner Editor Interface (Setup|Banners|Edit Banner) and care should be taken to preserve these lines when editing the job file.
If there is more than one banner, the second banner begins immediately following the first banner column text line. Its first line begins, *BANNER 2, set flush left. This is followed by the SW:, HP: and subsequent lines, each indented one space.
** WinCross logic using variable names is converted to record/column location when evaluating the length. In most cases the 1024 character logic limit when converted to record/column location will be different than the original number of characters using variables names. If the record/column location conversion results in more than 1024 characters, a syntax error will be issued indicating the logic is more than 1024 characters.
Related topics:
Writing Specifications Using a Text Editor