Run|Factor Analysis: Variable Data


Note: Run|Factor Analysis cannot be selected unless your job and data files are open.

All Variables

Find a variable

Find Next

Blank/out-of-range responses


Reverse scale

Show variable label in report

Use glossary transformations

Write factor scores to data file

Write factor groups to data file

Create secondary factor groups

Minimum Eigenvalue criterion

Maximum number of factor groups

Run Filter

Report properties

Select Report properties to display the factor analysis Report Properties dialog box. Following is a list of items that can be included in the factor analysis output data file:


When you run or save your factor analysis, a new file, jobname.fac, will be created. This file is linked to your WinCross job file and contains all of your factor analysis specifications.


When Write factor scores to data file or Write factor groups to data file is selected, selecting Run will display the Save Data As dialog box where you will enter your file name, file type and the number of cases to write to the output data file:




Output file

Save file as type

Cases to write

When Run is selected on the Run Factor Analysis dialog, the Factor Analysis report becomes the active dialog. You can print this report by selecting File|Print|Print Report or you can save the report using File|Save|Save Report or File|Save|Save Report As. The Factor Analysis report can be saved as a Plain Text Report (*.rpt), Microsoft Word/Rich Text Format (*.rtf) report or as a Microsoft Excel 1997-2003 (*.xls) or Microsoft Excel 2007-2013 (*.xlsx) report.




Save As


Restore Defaults

Related topics:

 Factor Analysis

 Factor Analysis ASCII data