Logic Structure


The following are term definitions used interchangeably in WinCross documentation:

Logic for Table and Banner Specifications

When using an ASCII fixed file, the location of every variable to be used in your tables must be defined by a record and position location. Variables from Excel, SPSS and other variable formats are defined using variable names. Logic statements are used to define table rows, filters and banner columns.

View|Data File Information provides information about your data file that can be helpful when writing logic statements.

** WinCross logic using variable names is converted to record/column location when evaluating the length. In most cases the 1024 character logic limit when converted to record/column location will be different than the original number of characters using variables names. If the record/column location conversion results in more than 1024 characters, a syntax error will be issued indicating the logic is more than 1024 characters.

Related topics:

Basic syntax


Logic Examples