Setup|Banner Templates from Variable Data

In Setup|Banner Templates from Variable Data you can create a banner template from variables in your variable type data file or open an existing banner template. You can also add the banner template as a banner in your open job file. Upon initial entry into the Banner Templates from Variable Data dialog box, WinCross displays the number of variables and number of cases in the open data file.


Find a variable

Find Next

Selecting variables

Banner templates are built using sections. Section 1 will always be "Total", however, you can easily change this by highlighting Total in the Banner items list box for Section 1 and selecting Remove Item. You are then free to add your own variable selection(s) to Section 1.


When building a banner template, it is best to think of a Section as a group of banner columns that will all fall under a specific title or where there are only individual banner columns with no title. For example, if you are creating banner columns for Male and Female from the GENDER variable and will be using the Variable label of GENDER as your spanning title, those columns should be created as their own section.



All sections added will be combined together to create one banner. See the How to create a banner template using Banner Templates from Variable Data for step-by-step instructions on creating and saving a banner template and/or adding the banner to your job file.


Use glossary transformations

Adding selected variable(s) to a banner section/Editing a selected variable

Adding/Editing a Column Label

Adding/Editing a Total

Adding/Editing a User-Defined Variable

Adding the banner to your job file



Filter title

Filter logic

Show cell borders

Column spacing

Column width

Add Section

Move Left

Move Right

Remove Section

Duplicate Section

Underline All Items

Remove All Underlines


New Template

Load Template

Save Template As

Add Banner to Job

Related topics:

How to create a banner template using Banner Templates from Variable Data
