List Open End


Run|Open End provides a distribution of alpha/string variables.



Show abbreviated variable names

Displays the abbreviated variable names generated by WinCross (up to 11 characters).


Word wrap

Displays the Variable Label in word wrap mode. If your Variable Labels are long and you do not enable Word wrap, you can use the scroll bar to view the entire Variable Label. Word wrap is enabled as the default.


Find a variable

Allows you to enter search criteria to locate a specific variable. This is especially useful when there are many variables in your job file and you want to quickly locate a specific variable.


Find Next

Allows you to find the next variable that matches the previously entered search criteria. This is especially useful when there are multiple variables in your job file with similar variable names.


Data options

Use glossary transformations - when selected all glossary transformations will be applied to the open end report. For open ends this is meaningful when using DECLARE, DEFINE, or RECODE.


Run Filter


Value Filter

Using the value filter allows for filtering open end results based on specified text.

Example: Value "happy" will display all results that contain "happy" within the string variable.

When multiple value filters are added WinCross treats this as "OR" logic.

Example: when using value "happy" as the first filter and value "sad" as the second filter all results will be filtered down to strings that contain "happy" OR "sad" anywhere within the variable.


Cases to run:

By default, all cases/records will be displayed. Changing this value will display the specified number of cases.


Display options


Create Excel Report...



Note: Report uses Setup | Job Settings | Max data field width

Related topics:

Run Menu

Job Settings

Max data field width