ExpressTable Editor|Apply to Other Tables tab

In the Express Table Editor, you can create USE tables to apply the row text, row logic and row options of the selected table to other tables using the Apply to Other Tables tab.

Also apply the table options to the selected tables will use the table options from the selected table when creating USE tables. The table options applied from the selected table include any option specified on the 2nd line of the table when viewing the job file using View|Job File (for example, OW,OV,OR,OB,P1,SM,SV,SR,SA, SP,S2,V2).

Display only those tables that are "eligible" for row replacement will filter the selection of eligible tables to those defined using one variable name in table logic. Tables with complex logic statements are not eligible using the Apply to Other Tables tab.

Generate USE statement from: allows you to create USE tables that use the Table name, when possible or the Table index of the selected table in the USE statement generated by WinCross.

A table may be displayed in the list of eligible tables, however, the table structure needs to be considered when using this feature. Tables selected should have the same row text and row options as the original table so that WinCross can generate USE statements changing only the variable name specified in row logic.

Only tables below the original table are eligible since only backward table references are allowed.

Choose table(s) from the table list and select Apply to Selected Tables to create row logic with the USE feature. Use the Ctrl key if selecting non-contiguous tables. For contiguous tables, use the Ctrl or Shift key.

Find a table allows you to enter search criteria to locate a specific table or group of tables. This is especially useful when there are many tables and you only want to select a specific table or group of tables.

View Table is helpful in determining if a table you are selecting is eligible for row replacement. Select a table and use View Table to see the table structure of the selected table.

Select OK to close the Express Table Editor dialog box.

Related topics:

Setup|Express Tables from Variable Data

Express Table Editor

Setup Menu

Setup Tables

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