Table Filter (Express Table Editor)

You can add a Filter to your table on the Table Editor tab of Setup|Express Tables from Variable Data.


Filter title

Filter logic

The code ‘TN’ is supplied automatically for all filter types. You can overwrite this code with any other logic you want to use for your filter. Filter logic is identical to table and banner logic.


Filter type:



If you choose Total and don't enter additional filter logic, all cases in the data file are included, even those that have no data for the table.


Total answering

If you choose Total answering and don't enter additional filter logic, all cases in the data file are included. ‘No answers’ are included on the table, but they aren't in the filter so they are not included in percents.



Choose Sigma when multiple answers per case exist and you want the filter row to report the number of total responses for the specific variable(s) being tabulated.

Related topics:

Express Tables from Variable Data

Express Table Editor|Table Editor tab