New List Answers Option – Enter selected questions:
- List Answers produces a report of respondent answers in order of respondent number.
- You can specify which questions to include in the list answers report by using a saved questions list.
- The saved questions list can then be referenced when running future list answers reports.
- This is useful for running list answers reports for specific question series and saves time manually selecting the desired questions.
New Marginal Option – Selected questions:
- Marginal lets you create marginal reports. Marginals (sometimes called frequency counts) provide counts and percents for responses to questions.
- Now you can enter the questions to include by specifying the WinQuery question number within a new input box.
- Previously it was necessary to click and highlight the questions to include in the report.
- This is useful, for example, when selecting a block of questions which may or may not be in questionnaire order.
Sample Dispositions Tally Report – New report output to Excel:
- The Sample Dispositions Tally Report creates a report of disposition counts for a study, based on the last dialing attempt. It reports the final status of each number dialed and not dialed.
- This report can now be directly opened in Excel.
Compatibility with SPSS Version 29:
- Data output using WinQuery 24 is compatible with the latest version of SPSS.
- No matter the data output method, whether Express Data Export and/or Write Data As to SPSS®, your .SAV data will be saved in the newest format.