[PREFERENCES] Section of the Job File


Note: Although you can change the Preferences using a text editor, we recommend using the WinCross user interface dialogs to modify these settings.


The [PREFERENCES] section of the job file contains the job preferences. Preferences are established when you create a new job using the File|New Job and select a Profile Setting.


Default preferences are stored in the PROGRAM.INI file located in your C:\Documents and Settings\Username \Application Data\WinCross or C:\Users\Username\AppData\

Roaming\WinCross folder, depending on your operating system. This file is updated each time WinCross is used. While it is permissible to leave this section blank, you must have a [PREFERENCES] section title in your job file.


This section appears as follows in the EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB file:



132,120,25,60,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,1,8,360,648,360,648,9,10,11,6,25,120,3,7,99,12,720,720,1,0,Courier New,13,14,15







Required line (blank line for this example)


A [PREFERENCES] section must have six lines (although default wording physically occupies lines 3-5 in the example above, it is only counted as a single line for this discussion). Each line is explained as follows, with actual values from EXAMPLE-VARIABLE.JOB shown in parentheses:


Line 1

The numbers in the first line denote report width (132), table title width (120), row width (25) and lines per page (60). The next eight numbers represent a portion of the original statistic order (1-8), followed by the original summary row order (1-5), then the records per case (1) and default font size (8). The left, right, top and bottom margins for XML report output (in twips; 1440=1 in.) represent the next four values (360,648,360,648), followed by three statistic (9,10,11) positions, the last original summary row order (6), an unused position (formerly used for the default row text width for XML report formatting) (0) and default table title width (120) for XML report formatting. The next four numbers represent significance line count (3), last summary row position (7), sig items per line (99) and another statistic row position (12). The ASCII print left margin (720) and the ASCII print top margin (720) in twips represent the next two values. The next three values are font print options, font style (1), font color (0) and font type (Courier New). The last three values are the last 3 statistic row options.


Line 2

The second line denotes the summary row formatting options (NB), and other table preferences (NB,PC,TC,CT,TT,BC,CF,SC,SH,^-,%-,CB,T3,LA,BL, QA,BS,FH,MH,TF) described next.


Summary Row Options

FP   =    Show filter on every page (first page of table)

FB   =    Show filter on bottom of page (top of page)

TP   =    Show total answering on every page (first page of table)

TB   =    Show total answering on bottom of page (top of page)

NP   =    Show no answer on every page (first page of table)

NB   =    Show no answer on bottom of page (top of page)

SP   =    Show sigma on every page (first page of table)

SB   =    Show sigma on bottom of page (top of page)

QP   =    Show total on every page (first page of table)

QB   =    Show total on bottom of page (top of page)

UP   =    Show unweighted total on every page (first page of table)

UB   =    Show unweighted total on bottom of page (top of page)

XP   =    Show effective sample size on every page (first page of table)

XB   =    Show effective sample size on bottom of page (top of page)

Other Table Preferences

PN   =    No page numbers

PC   =    Page number continuously

PR   =    Restart page numbering with each table

TC   =    Table of contents

CT   =    Center table

TT   =    Center table titles

CB   =    Center table filter titles

BC   =    Center banner titles

CF   =    Center banner filter titles

PO   =    Portrait

LA   =    Landscape

BH   =    Hide Table grid lines (XML output)

FH   =    Hide Frequency grid lines

MH   =    Hide Marginal grid lines

BL   =    Show blank lines between rows

BS   =    Show table grid lines (XML output)

FS   =    Show Frequency grid lines

MS   =    Show Marginal grid lines

SH   =    Show Blank Cell Characters

SD   =    Show date of run

ST   =    Show time of run

PM   =    Show time of run as AM/PM

SC   =    Show dashes

SK   =    Show dashes in every line of cell

SN   =    Suppress table number

HT   =    Suppress blank tables

RP   =    Treat weights as replicates

RU   =    Round up decimal values of 5 or more

T1   =    Table number left justified

T2   =    Table number center justified

T3   =    Table number right justified

TF   =    Shrink all tables by same amount

TS   =    Shrink only tables that are too wide

TW   =    Do not shrink tables

QA   =    Sort quartiles ascending

QD   =    Sort quartiles descending

QM   =    Compute Medoid for Median and Quartile options

^-     =    Blank cell character (default)

%-    =    Blank column character (default)

          Small Sample Size

DDO    =  Denote display of column values

DOV    =  Suppress display of column values

DCF#  =  Denote/Suppress display of column values when the Frequency (base) equals #

DCE#  =  Denote/Suppress display of column values when the Effective sample size equals #

DCP#  =  Denote/Suppress display of column values when the Horizontal percent equals #

DDE    =  Denote display of cell values

DEV    =  Suppress display of cell values

DFS#  =  Denote/Suppress display of cell values when the Frequency equals #

DPV#  =  Denote/Suppress display of cell values when the Vertical percent equals #

DPH#  =  Denote/Suppress display of cell values when the Horizontal percent equals #

DPC#  =  Denote/Suppress display of cell values when the Constant percent equals #

DIZ   =  Show suppression text for blank cells

DLD#  =  Display text in denoted/suppressed cells (# = text to display)

DFN   =  Show footnote about denoted/suppressed cells

SOV   =  Suppress statistical testing for columns

SCF#  =  Suppress statistical testing for columns when the Frequency (base) equals #

SCE#  =  Suppress statistical testing for columns when the Effective sample size equals #

SCP#  =  Suppress statistical testing for columns when the Horizontal percent equals #

SEV   =  Suppress statistical testing for cells

SFS#  =  Suppress statistical testing for cells when the Frequency equals #

SPV#  =  Suppress statistical testing for cells when the Vertical percent equals #

SPH#  =  Suppress statistical testing for cells when the Horizontal percent equals #

SLD#  =  Display text in suppressed statistical testing cells (# = text to display)

SFN   =  Show footnote about suppressed statistical testing


          Significance Indicator Order

SOO    =  Alphabetically within each comparison group

SOC    =  Aphabetically across all groups

SOS    =  Order by significance level


Lines 3 through 5

Counted as a single entity, the third through fifth lines contain the wording for rows WinCross supplies for statistics rows and summary rows labels. The order of the labels must be as it is in the example, each separated by a comma. Adding #c, #C, #n or #N to the default wording for PERCENTILE is optional. The Setup|Job Settings|Wording for Rows or Setup|Profile Settings|Wording for Rows topics describe these options.


Line 6 (considered line 4)

This line (OW,OR,OV,OB,S2,P1,V2,SA,SP) denotes table presentation (see Setup|Job Settings|Table Presentation or Setup|Profile Settings|Table Presentation). See Options - Job File Codes for a list of all table option codes.


Line 7 (considered line 5)

This is the filter (TOTAL^TN^0) shown in filters (see Setup|Job Settings|Filters or Setup|Profile Settings|Filters. The filter title is followed by a caret (^) and the filter or logic, followed by another caret and a number indicating the filter type: TOTAL = 0; TOTAL ANSWERING = 1 and SIGMA = 2.


Line 8 (considered line 6)

This line is required and contains the character specified as the Delimiter to use between significance indicators in Setup|Job Settings|Statistics or Setup|Profile Settings|Statistics. If no character is specified, this line will be blank.

Related topics:

Writing Specifications Using a Text Editor

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